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IND8- Feelings of First Contact

1992-08-03-Feelings of First Contact
Indianapolis #8

1 Heading
1.1 Topic: Feelings of First Contact
1.2 Group: Unknown
2 Facilitators
2.1 Teacher: Welmek
2.2 TR: Unknown
3 Session
3.1 Opening
3.2 Dialogue
3.2.1 Teacher Contact
3.3 Lesson
3.3.1 Hope
3.4 Closing

Topic: Feelings of First Contact
Group: Unknown
Teacher: Welmek; TR: Unknown


WELMEK: Greetings to everyone. This is I, Welmek, your guide and teacher. We had much to discuss today about yesterday’s meeting. Your reception was very much appreciated. All of the kind words, thoughts and feelings of love cheered us on greatly. We appreciate your desire to seek the Father’s will, for this will make our work much easier. Know that we are with you and we are desirous to help each of you in achieving your Father’s will. Let’s address the questions first.

Teacher Contact

K: Jean Painter wants to know if her constant desire to move to Colorado is actually a message from a teacher or her Thought Adjuster.

WELMEK: Jean knows in her heart what she knows. Her spirit grows daily, for she senses her Adjuster inside her now. I cannot say, for it is not my place to give advice concerning human matters. I can say, however, that what she feels in her heart is more than herself. Express to Jean that we know she feels at a distance at times. She must realize that our Father is ever present, that He loves her as He loves all His children. She should seek the Father daily; and in His words, she will have the answers to her questions. Know this and accept the leadings as you feel them.

K: Donna Painter felt you were trying to communicate with her today. Was she correct?

WELMEK: Donna is beginning to experience contact. Although it was not I who made this attempt. It is someone who is drawn close to her, someone I believe she will have a long relationship with. Tell her to relax and to continue her progress. For much happiness will come her way if she but persists in her daily seeking of the Father’s will. I sense that several of you are feeling similar thoughts that contact is approaching. I can assure you these are real feelings that you are experiencing. You must continue, and in your faithfulness, our Father will answer your prayers.

K: Is it possible to tell Donna who contacted her?

WELMEK: Yes, there is another teacher who is trying to also to learn these techniques. We felt in her heart and mind that this would be acceptable. The teacher’s name is Aflana. She hails from her group in Florida. She is visiting momentarily and felt a desire to make contact. I feel it should be clarified, when I said teacher in training, for Aflana is very active in her group and is not training there. Aflana is training in other mindal techniques and wished to experience a time with some of our group; and this was permitted.


WELMEK: I wish to say a few words about hope. Hope is the ever-leading desire to achieve all that we can. While we recognize certain limitations that we have, hope is the ever-leading desire to stimulate the mind and spirit to achieve greatness.
When you hope for material things, little is accomplished unless you set out daily, expend much time and energy to achieve these things. It saddens us, as it does our Father, to see hope spent so foolishly on things that have little meaning.

Hope is the bridge between reality and material life. Without hope there is little that we can look forward to. Hope is a great motivator. It turns mediocrity into activity. It guide the feeble mind of man to seek the greatness of Christ. Never give up on yourselves. Always have hope. Hope will lead you to the kingdom. Hope will inspire you for greatness.

Remember, our Father loves us all. He, too, knows these things. He knows your weaknesses. He knows your longings. He hears your hearts speak. Always have hope. Always show love. And in time you will see what we see. You will know what we know. And together we will traverse our universe, even beyond. And one day we’ll stand in His presence, to know Him as complete as we can. And then to seek new adventures beyond that which we cannot now even imagine.


WELMEK:  I am looking forward to Wednesday’s meeting as well as being with several of you tomorrow. Do not hesitate to ask questions if you have things on your mind. If there are no more questions, I wish to send God’s love to you all. May tomorrow start your journey on happiness. Go in peace. Good night.

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