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JSP30- Rudiments of Love

2021-09-19. Rudiments of Love

R U D I M E N T S   O F   L O V E

Greetings to you my friends, I am following on the heals of the previous lesson on Divine Love. The first thought here is having to separate the person from who they are; what they do.  The will is to love and respect (the person) one another, not necessarily like another’s behavior or beliefs’.  Once you learn to love another, you begin to assimilate each others’ differences. As you begin to respect each other, quite possibly in time, you may become friends.  This is how the world will change, one person at a time; then many will begin coming forth and soon the world culture begins to as simulate.

The world is at this brink of potential.  Love is a complete package, just open it.  The power of intention mixed with love is a win/win.  The consequence is God’s not yours.  Therefore the first thing is covered, the second entails forgiveness.  Each and every one of you have someone other than yourself to forgive.

Forgiveness allows both parties to withdraw their ‘hold’, allowing them to move on and forgive someone else who is unfortunate.  One cannot expect too much at first, people are only human and will continue to show this shortcoming until they begin to grow; no conditions on the learning curve here!  People cannot be pushed, only to be shown and then taught, (allow for mistakes), Allowing space here is most important; billions will be bumping into each other!  The proximity of the population is the key here; closeness quickens these behaviors, and people are prone to imitate each other on the most basic levels.

How you act reflects how you think, and yes, sometimes thinking needs to be adjusted or changed, so that  your acts will become worthy of imitation.  Understanding and compassion are two tools you will need to cultivate your seeds of love or fruits of the spirit. Understanding is the adjustment most needed at this time.  Understanding allows and releases love; softens fear, and supports all effort.  The stance here is compassion, the stage setter; remember people will imitate first and compassion softens any defense.

This world will always have varied and mixed races here, and yet have one culture bringing a greater closeness where competition gives way to genuine sharing and mutual support. Weakness and strength meet at neutral; love balances the emotions, removing one of the greatest obstacles.  Removing emotion is the same as being able to separate a person from their behavior; think about this.  Emotion best serves the ego and this endless looped holding pattern gives persons the ok to pursue their agenda and yes, once there, delay and conflict puts forward movement on hold.  The other agenda is when you have no choice and the moment demands your action.

Many will answer this call when options become reduced such as in disasters or a global stand still, and that my friends can contain many different scenarios here, certainly.  When the law and service of government and society become compromised, reduced or non existent, you will be forced to act then.  These scenarios create malleable and transformative potential and again food for thought.  The opportunity all over the world is beginning to create this opportunity option and this continuing will worsen.  It should be obvious you are in times of transformation; different priorities and the rules of the moment.

Go inward and deepen in your practice of sitting in Father’s Divine Love; this will result in being shown always how to move forward.  Love is a progression, not a granite sculpture, yet like living water it spiritually quenches the dimensions of your spirit-soul. Love will guide the movement forward, true Divine love always shows the way for it is not stagnant, has to be moving from one to another.  Your personal inner life will become shared in time as individuals grow into groups, movements, clans and societies capable of creating and sustaining peace.

The inner personal life is the only process that can transform you; cannot be as simulated, it is the result that is the quality of spirit working with you in your mind. Do not burden yourself with the tediousness of the task, spirit has been preparing you for this for quite a while. Respond to your guidance and insure you are always being directed to grow the seed of love and nurture this love, for it takes quite a bit to grow and prosper love.  This world will attain world peace and prosperity in the future and you can begin to prepare for this now and be a part of a ground floor enterprise destined to prepare this world for its greater inheritance.

Jesus  9/18/21

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