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LYT161030- Accept the Consequences of the Way You Think

2016-10-30. Accept the Consequences of the Way You Think

Urantia, October 30, 2016.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Accept the Consequences of the Way You Think.”

Message received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “At present you are pondering what this subject actually means, ‘to accept the consequences of the way you think.” Simply stated, what you think about you attract, because the way you habitually think greatly influences the way you live. The quality of thought usually decides the behavior of the person, depending on the state of awareness in which he or she lives. Even you, at times, are still not clear about why you act or react the way you do. Likewise is this the case with almost the entire population on this planet.

“It is therefore recommended that if one desires to be altruistic and charitable during one’s mortal life that ideally some thought would be given as to how this can be accomplished. It would be a life encompassing — a willingness to walk the path with the most love in it. In other words, to search wholeheartedly for the will and ways of God. It is therefore extremely important for anyone to embrace the higher way of thinking and not to entertain the self with low-level, unproductive thoughts. The higher way of thinking starts already on awakening each morning by being grateful for all blessings received.

“Do give some thought to the blessing of being able to get out of bed in the mornings without assistance, as this is usually taken for granted. Or if it had been another of those restless nights, think about what the mind was busy with. Ask yourself: ‘was my mind occupied with substantial thoughts related to problem solving or were my thoughts undisciplined, without substance and therefore a waste of time? In the latter case, this might be caused by a restless mind which could, prior going to your rest, greatly benefit from some quiet time with thanksgiving prayer and meditation to calm the heart and influence the mind. In turn this would greatly aid all the bodily systems as the turmoil and worries of the day are left behind.

“Of course, this habit may at first require some self-discipline in order for one to become proficient at stilling the mind. However, think about the beneficial results to be had when cultivating a habit such as this. Disturbing cares and worries would be left behind. There is no earthly medicine that can achieve what prayer and meditation can accomplish when earnestly engaged in. The soul would be spiritually nourished and as a result all the body-systems would feel the calming influence and contribute to an overall better state of health.

“What rich reward could be reaped over your lifetime when indulging in a practice of rising above the humdrum of life with, at times, its banal and loud entertainment. At best it is jarring to the nervous system with the danger of bringing the thought levels down to low-level, unproductive thinking, which in turn causes a restless sleep pattern.

“There is much to be said about the state of mind and one’s level of thoughts it is being kept busy with, as everyone is responsible for the consequences of their thoughts. Remember there will always be room for improvement and higher-level thinking.”

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