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MZV210- To Be And To Do

2016-10-29 To Be And To Do

Mezza Verde #210

Session nr 20 of 29 October 2016- English translation – Original French

Place: Mezza Verde in Placencia, Belize

Visitor : Monssoen Melchizedek

Received by Wivine.

{Note Wivine: many of us had questions about what was next after the announcement of Jesus that our planet was given back to The Universal Father. It was accomplished (session 19-2016). What was expected now from us? Where did we stand? Where do we go? What do we have to do? After so much intense activity, certainly during the last weeks, this sudden quietness made some of us restless. An answer was needed and I didn’t want to brew one myself. Tonton Monssoen came at my rescue.}

Monssoen here: yes, I am going to speak in French today.

We all worked on our side to create a spiritual circuit with the help of Kuwaya, Master Spirit nr. 2, the Voice of the Eternal Son-Mother and Christ Michael. -Jesus.

All those who received since the month of April 2016 the “activation” of the “mind glands receptive to spirit affairs” are now also connected to it. Those who will receive this “activation” in the future will be connected to it automatically when they participate regularly in the group meditations and are actively working with the Energy of Paradise.

This is the reason why you didn’t have to connect them anymore to you the last six weeks for the group meditations and you will not have to do this neither for the next newcomers who will join them.

Your current group which consists of people living in Angola, Madagascar, Belgium, the Netherlands, Guatemala and Belize is part of a Melchizedek project for which our Master Sovereign of Nebadon, Christ Michael gave his agreement.

You will work on your planet as liaisons to the Seraphic Planetary Government in the Reserve Corps of Destiny.

This “Corps” is composed of men and women living on your planet and are selected by the Master Seraphim to serve in one of their twelve groups of Angels active in the Planetary Supervision.

Most people who are part of the Corps of destiny are not aware of it and function as guardians of vital information for the spiritual progress of humanity, although they are prepared unconsciously to be able to act when needed.

We want now that your “special task” group is aware of this.

As you will be trained to be part of the Cosmic reserve Corps – of those who are very well aware that they are part of a Grand loving and helping Universe; to perform special tasks with those Secondary Midwayers that are serving the Master Seraphim of your planetary Government.

Tasks that should have been performed by :

1)   The Corporeal Staff of your former planetary Prince Caligastia which was dissolved. The 100 superhuman men and women who no longer walk on your planet after the decision Caligastia made to follow Lucifer in his rebellion against Jesus, Master Sovereign of our local universe of Nebadon.

And to:

2)    Adam and Eve who were also immortals but became mortal as a result of their error of judgment and had to leave your planet after physical death. Same for their too small number of offspring.

As a result, your Seraphic Planetary Government had to be reorganized in a special and different manner from other planets and I will not go into more details about this.

Significant for you is to understand the importance of the role you will play for them and for which you will be trained during a long period of time.

There are certainly conditions for accessing it.

Most important is to work in silence, behind the curtains; without seeking personal glory of your fellowmen, without bragging about it. Do it in complete disinterestedness; don’t try to enrich yourself with it or look for a revenue as little as it can be.

You’ll be tested regularly on your morality, your vanity, and the trust we can have in you. You expect from us that we always jump to rescue you and it is true that we help.

However, we expect in return loyalty, perseverance, trust, love for others, endurance, patience and that you work with your new abilities to help your fellowmen.

And of course, to be there when ”We” need you. It goes without saying. One good turn deserves another, isn’t it?

The 12 groups of Angels of the Master Seraphim working in the Planetary Supervision are:

  1. The epochal angels
  2. The progress angels
  3. The religious guardians
  4. The angels of nation life
  5. The angels of the races
  6. The angels of the future
  7. The angels of enlightenment
  8. The angels of health
  9. The home seraphim
  10. The angels of industry
  11. The angels of diversion
  12. The angels of superhuman ministry.

Each person in your group will be used in one of these groups which means that you will not be placed together in one and the same corps. That’s why you’ll have different individual tasks to accomplish in the future which some of you already senses. It may be, of course, that a few are placed in the same group of a Master Seraphim.

However, your group as an “entity” will have two additional tasks as a connection link between the Planetary Supervision and your fellowmen.

First to reach yourself, then to transfer to others:

1)   Knowledge about the existence of an indwelling God Fragment and approaching Him slowly so that you achieve in your lifetime to work with His Pure Energy, hear His instructions, access the 1st psychic circle and reach fusion – delayed or not. Those who will access all these steps will not know physical death. If the fusion with your God Spark doesn’t happen on Earth, your soul will be taken by Him directly to the 1st Mansion World to fuse up there when it is time for you to go, so that you can continue immediately your ascension to Paradise.

A God Fragment is God, and God wants you to become like Him, that you “be” like Him.

For God we must “BE.” Learn to be like God in all His Perfection.

2)   The knowledge of The Supreme Being- The Universal Mother. Those who are aware that they are Cosmic citizens and who acknowledge The Universal Mother must also realize that they have a responsibility to Her.

For Her you must ‘DO’, act and implement to help Her evolve to the status of God The Almighty Supreme.

Goodbye, my children. We are hitting the road for new adventures and you have now something to think about.



For the words in blue see The Urantia Book.


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