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NET70 – Organizational Development, Faith in Action, Forgiveness, Healing Emotional Pain

2019-8-12, NET #070, Machiventa

New Era Transition #070 – Organizational Development; Faith in Action; Forgiveness; Healing Emotional Pain – Aug. 12, 2019

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager


Organizational development – Stage 1
1) Vision
2) Intention
3) Functional operational philosophy
4) Missions – Objectives
5) Organize the corporate structure
Organizational development – Stage 2
1) What people would you select?
2) Do you want people who reject the presence of God?
3) Funding
4) Plan
Where would you start?
1) Decision-making – Values
2) Proactive right decisions
3) Family
4) Democracy
Monjoronson’s visits
Faith in action
Help in pragmatic ways
Soul groups
Are mortals transparent to you?
Celestial interest is in our decisions and personality growth
3 generations of families living together
What is the best method to heal emotionally?
Forgiveness is primary to healing emotional pain
You must forgive your own immaturity as well
Forgive the event or forgive the person?
Holding grudges
In forgiveness you rise above yourself
By making decisions you make social progress and evolution

TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD

Team members present: Roxanne Andrews, Rick Brunson, Craig Carmichael, Liz Cratty, Jeff Cutler and Sherille Raphael.

Invocation: Rick

August 12, 2019

Organizational development – Stage 1

MACHIVENTA: Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. Welcome to another day. Today we will present something a bit different to you, for you and for your world. We have spoken many, many times about our co-creative relationship and that our partnership has reciprocal responsibilities. Today we are going to speak about organizational development. Let me give you an example of some background to that development: If you were going to start an enterprise with us that you had been guided to develop, and you needed an office building, what would you do? Would you just expect that we would have one built on the side of the hill for you, for your staff, a parking lot, a kitchen, conference rooms, executive suites, IT and all of those factors that you would need? No, it wouldn’t happen that way.

1) Vision

It would happen this way: It would happen that you would need an office building and we would collaborate with that and we would provide that to you through the mechanisms of your organization. Now, let us go back to the fundamental step. In an organization project that you are going to start from scratch and have no precedence for this at all, you would want to go through the process of organizational development. You would want to write out your vision. This is a vision you would see well into the future—not for the short term, but for the long term. Remember, you are now in the position of a Planetary Manager; you are a mortal Planetary Manager who has a project that you will co-creatively bring into being with us. So it being a planetary program, we have a vision that is very long-term, one that you would anticipate to be minimally 500 years and onwards to 1,000 years. So, what would be the vision for this organization?

2) Intention

Secondly, you would want to have an intention. What is the long term intention for this organization? What are the reasons for its existence? What is it to fulfill? Of course that must dovetail in some way with the vision. Intention is something that will be the driving force, the backbone through your organization for 1,000 years.

3) Functional operational philosophy

Third, what is your functional operational philosophy? Not the platitudes that hang on the walls and beneath so many logos of companies and organizations, but what is the operational philosophy of the organization that your staff will be guided by day-to-day, moment-to-moment, hour-to-hour, decision-by-decision? This too would be something that you would want to support your efforts for 1,000 years. Yes, the intention may change a bit, and the philosophy may change a little bit, but hardly at all. But when you take on these tasks, these 3 tasks, you are beginning to think of the long-term structure of your operation, your organization and its functions.

4) Missions – Objectives

Fourth, what are the missions? You particularly want to limit your missions to 3, not 5 or 6 or 10, but 3. This is something these 3 missions will see you through the next 100 years, and then your missions may morph a bit and change so that you still have 3, but you have decided that you need another mission to continue on, because you have fulfilled one mission already.

5) Organize the corporate structure

Having this definitely in mind, you would want to write out the objectives. What are the objectives for the first mission? The first mission must be completed before you can begin the second mission, though the second and third missions are always in mind, as this is a stair-step of development. We asked Roxanne to distribute the document that you have received, the “Foundations for an Evolving Civilization.” The reason that we had that sent out to you was to support the reasoning and discussion of today and many future sessions that we will have with you. In there you will see many examples of what we are talking about. Objectives are those things that you would do immediately. Let us say that you had this in mind, you knew what you were going to do, and of course one of the first things that you would do is to organize the corporate structure for your work.

And maybe it might be that you needed 3 or 4 corporations which would work jointly with your major effort; those would all have to work together. Remember, co-creatively you mortals represent this realm; you live in nations; your live in states; you live in counties, cities, where there are always governance, rules, regulations and things that must be done by organizations. Those are the 5 elemental steps that we would be working with you. This is one part of the discussion this morning. Those 5 steps represent the first step of a major plan.

Organizational development – Stage 2

1) What people would you select?

2) Do you want people who reject the presence of God?

So you have the organizational development as stage 1. Stage 2 is what people would you select? What people would you attract? What people would want to work with us, the celestials, either consciously or unconsciously, aware that we exist and are assistants or not? Do you want people who reject the presence of God? Do you want people who are disgusted by the thought of Providence being involved in the happenstance and circumstance, serendipity and coincidence of life? No, you would not; neither do we. We want things that work; we want people who work, people who are in sync with us. It is not that they have to go to church, but simply believe that there is something more to the universe and the world than just the hard facts of life and death and money.

3) Funding

The third major point is funding. Now, as this is something that is most difficult for mortals to handle—you should give that job to us. If you have such a rip-roaring good idea of a program, certainly it must attract many people who have a similar idea, or would be immensely supportive of your ideas; maybe it is 1,000 people; maybe it is 1 million people; maybe it is 100 million or a billion people who would want to see this work done. We can help you in getting the personnel you need and the funding you need.

4) Plan

The last point is having a plan. What is your plan? Do you have a plan? What would it be? This is the activity around which your organization will operate with us.

Where would you start?

Let us take a very large project: Let us say you want to bend the culture of Western Civilization, all nations towards peace and social stability. Where would you start? On this plan it would be simple as the book, the manuscript that you have printed out, or will print out, or it is on your screen; there are 4 points:

1) Decision-making – Values

First: As you realize and know, you have been trained to understand and accept is that decision-making is primary to being human. You wake up in the morning, or not; that is a decision. You get out of bed and begin making many, many decisions. You decide whether you want to make an agenda for the day, maybe you do not, maybe you do. And you make hundreds and thousands of decisions of incredibly minor importance to those which are major. Do I want to get married and have children, or not? What kind of career do I want? Well, first of all, I’d better vacuum the house. So those are decisions, these are the pragmatics of living on a material planet.

Underlying all decision-making are values. What we are getting at with decision-making is understanding that values underlie all of your decisions, major, minor, in-between—the whole spectrum of decisions are always underlain with values. Of course, you are a Planetary Manager; you would want to have values that are timeless, meaning that they will assist you today, tomorrow, 1,000 years from now, and that the proof of their steadfastness and timelessness is that they were used by your ancestors many thousands of years ago.

2) Proactive right decisions

Second: You would want something to guide your decision-making. Yes, 7 values that are innate to your species are wonderful, they are universal, they are timeless, they are immutable, they are not going to go away, but what will guide you to make right decisions using those values? And what underlie right decisions are values, once again. You would want those same timeless, universal, immutable values to underwrite and develop an ethic and a morality that are also timeless, immutable and universal to all people, something that is proactive. A major element of Christ Michael’s Correcting Time is being proactive. Not the proscriptive rules of “don’t do this, don’t do that or you will reap this kind of punishment.” No, not proscriptive rules, but proactive rules of ethics and morality, rules that encourage you to make decisions that are positive and contribute to your life and the lives of others and all future generations.

3) Family

Third: Family—families are the basis of all social existence. Families are the beginning of organized social existence. Organized social existence depends upon ethics and morality. When we talk about organized social existence we mean city councils, governments, education, corporations, insurance, health—all organizations that have ever existed are part of organized social existence. You need values for that and you need families to produce the leaders of those organizations, children who have been raised with the ethics and values that are steadfast for peace and social stability. You will never have the Days of Light and Life, peace or social stability until you have leaders who thoroughly understand the consequences of immoral and unethical behavior.

They are so aware of ethical and moral behavior that for them there is no need for proscriptive punishments for wrong behavior—they simply know that the punitive effect of immoral and unethical behavior over time is the disintegration, the decline and collapse of societies and civilization. That means your children, your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren—many of you have great-grandchildren already. What do you want to give them? What do you want to bequeath in them? Would you want the same chaos in their world that exists now to be prevalent in their life and worse? Certainly not! Good parents, ethical and moral parents would not wish that for any child.

4) Democracy

Fourth element of this plan is a democracy—a functional democracy, an ethical democracy, a moral democracy, one that is founded on values that are similar in fact to the same 7 values that are innate to each human being. Democracies are the only form of government that can exist in alignment with the values of humans. Yes, your democratic processes that now exist are almost totally ineffectual. There is so much rampant “me-ism” and” and “self-orientation” to “get more,” without consideration of those who are being governed that your government is now in great disarray. When you couple that with leaders, whether they are Presidents, Senators or Representatives, or appointed or elected officials, who are most interested in how they can get the most out of the system for themselves and for the people they like, then you have a government that is in disarray and that soon will border on decline and disintegration.

Being a Planetary Manager of Urantia, we want a proactive program that will assist you to prevent all those things to prevent the collapse of civilization; prevent the collapse of democracies. You see, in a democracy, the death of democracy is revolt. Revolt is necessary under totalitarian authoritarian governments to seed the initiation of a new democracy, but once revolt has produced a democracy, going backwards in revolt against that democracy then destroys that for several generations. You are seeing this around the world now where there were budding emerging democracies that have collapsed, that have gone back to authoritarian ways. Would you want to prevent the possibility of your United States, or your Germany, or your England, the UK or any other democracies going back into a martial state? A police state? A dictatorship? Maybe a military triumvirate to govern your nation? Neither do we. We are here to assist you to build your democracy into an evolving democracy and that requires values that are flexible to adapt to the future; help you adapt; help your organizations adapt. And so, we have presented this document to you that unfolds that plan to you. This is our main interest.

Monjoronson’s visits

Two weeks ago Monjoronson spoke to you. He has spoken to you twice now. He came here to see about the progress that is underway for the major social programs for your planet. You see, he has a responsibility, a personal responsibility to Christ Michael, his brother, to assist this world to come into a state of stability and peace, where Christ Michael himself can come here to revel in the progress of the mortals who live here, and all past generations who made it possible for his arrival. You wonder when Monjoronson will arrive. We have stated this in developmental terms; we also stated it in social evolutionary terms, and that is Monjoronson will arrive after his major social programs have begun to be successful.

Right now, and we have said before that his appearance here would create immense chaos; it would throw those people who are devout in their beliefs into tailspins and those who have no realm of recognition of the Divine, they would be in absolute terror. And those in power, control and authority would be so disorganized and in such disarray that the collapse of governments would be at hand. Evolution is an accepted fact throughout the universe—the Grand Universe, and the Superuniverses, and the Creator Son’s Universes. Evolution is a matter of fact, biologically, socially. Also social evolution must go through the stages and steps to produce those realms that are stable enough to see the advent and the arrival of Monjoronson, and then with coordination of his efforts, then the world to present itself prepared to receive Christ Michael.

You may be leaning on your armchairs wondering, “Well what is Machiventa talking about today? Why has all this stuff come up now?” Well, my friends, we have told you that we are in the advent of the coming new era, and the coming new era is very soon approaching. This is not one of those nebulous prognostications or predictions, but rather a certainty of plans that have been made by Christ Michael long ago, and with us here today. We have been organizing with him how we can bring about at the material level, at the organizational level, the means by which we can co-creatively bring about peace and social stability on your world, even if that is only in one community; even if that is only in one city; even if that is only in one state or nation.

In many ways we have used the military examples of our work. Recall in WWII MacArthur was kicked out of the Philippines by the Japanese and he said, “I will return!” What he was looking for was a toehold. If you were the old fashioned salesman, you mean that as a toe in the door, a niche, a crack in the door where lights comes through where you can proceed. And so that is what we are looking for, a toehold. This requires individuals who are steadfast and earnest in what we are doing, those who would be willing to call upon us to assist them and then wait for the answer; wait for the invitation, even if that means years.

Faith in action

This is faith in action; this is your belief in action; this is trust and when you know the full presence of God in your life and have experienced that experience that presence of God, then you know and you will wait steadfast knowing that you will be guided into the work that you were to do. Many of you are in this position; many of you have submitted yourself to this immense mortal patience that is required to wait upon the hands of the Lord, who is even now working in miraculous ways around you in pragmatic ways. If you are seeing serendipity and coincidence and happenstance in your life that is beneficial in your life that is an affirmation that you are on the right track and you are living the right life. If you are forcing things to happen, making things to happen, if you are brutalizing your friends to help you do these things, you are on the wrong track.

You as employers, supervisors and managers find it difficult to work with obstinate employees, where you pay them to work for you, take your directions and guidance and yet they still rebel and kick and scream and complain about having to do the work. And you have certain requirements for laws before you can release that person from employment for a job change. Well, my friends, we want people who want to work with us without pay. We want you to work with us in ways that are going to be seen as miraculous, unheard of, incredible and a tremendous opportunity and challenge for your growth as a mortal. The other side of that travail of patience, which many of you have suffered and are suffering under now, is that we suffer with you.

We, who are involved in this Teaching Mission and Magisterial Mission, are experiencing your agony, your patience, your stalwart compliance to the guidance that you have received. We vicariously are growing immensely. Personally we are growing—each of us individually, whether we are angels, midwayers, Melchizedeks or any of the other hundreds of orders that are here experiencing this with you. Through our vicarious experiential relationship with you, we are growing; we are becoming far more capable and competent and assured in our work, and confident within ourselves as individual beings to assist Christ Michael in the fulfillment of Nebadon, and fulfillment of the Seventh Superuniverse, and ultimately of the Grand Universe itself.

Help in pragmatic ways

This is perhaps one of the most dangerous experiential processes that spiritual beings could ever have in their lives, in their existence, previous and in the future. We sit on the brink with you, our hands and fingers dangling over the edges as we sit on the cliff looking into the abyss below, always knowing that mortals can kick us aside and leap into the abyss. We will not go away; we are here for the duration; we are here to help you and, yes, we are here to help you in pragmatic ways. We have given you a brief outline of what we are doing on your world that can be interpreted in pragmatic ways; it must always be in alignment with doing God’s Will, Christ Michael’s fulfillment for this Correcting Time.

We thank you for your patience; we thank you for your dedication, your trust and your faith and your belief, and in your knowing-ness of who you are working with, for we will not go away; we are here for the duration, just as the midwayers are.


Craig: Where I am on the cusp of potentially creating a company; that gives me an awful lot to think about, when the immediate goals that are almost overwhelming in themselves.

MACHIVENTA: I appreciate your comments, Craig. Know that you do your work as you are instructed day-by-day. Do not take on too much as you sit in your armchair wondering about what to do next; simply get out of your armchair, go to your shop and proceed with the next thing. One thing will lead to another and before long you will have something that you can sell, save, patent or share with others.


Liz: Thank you for that message this morning, and I want to return to our topic of last time where we were talking about the assemblage of families. You bring up families again this time and I understand the value of growing up in a mix of personalities, and I also want to thank you for the reminder that generally speaking, what I dislike in others is an unresolved matter in myself. That was timely for me and I appreciate it. Am I correct in understanding that last time you said that we each have a part in the decision as to which family we are to be born into?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, you do.

Liz: Are our human families merely of this life in the flesh? Do we continue our family association with them on the Mansion Worlds?

MACHIVENTA: One moment. You have an association with many members around you of your soul group. This has not been clearly discussed in the Urantia Book or other documents. There are some clinical psychologists who have done regression therapy, where individuals proceed even without direction into their life in the womb and before that, and into their soul group realm where they chose the family that they would be with. Those of you who are acquainted with this ideology understand that you meet these individuals occasionally off and on in your mortal lifetime, that they may be there just to offer you a suggestion. Sometimes they are a life partner; sometimes they are a business partner; sometimes they are a sibling; sometimes they are a neighbor; sometimes they are a long-lasting friend, or someone who just passed you by briefly and you overhear them—these are the many nexus of coincidences between the meeting of soul brothers and sisters.

Soul groups

Liz: So, does that soul group persist in our ascension plan?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, to some degree. As we mentioned before that members who mature, move on to a new group where they will be a novice in a new group and they will then mature in that group and continue on. The Urantia Book alludes to this, but very tenuously, and that is you have various stages of growth. You recall that there are well over 500 stages in your morontial growth. In each of these stages you will be accompanied by those individuals who are in a similar stage and you will be assigned to groups within that stage where you can work through with individuals who can understand what you are going through. Within that group there will be people who will be exiting soon, whereas you have just begun, and so there is a turnover of wisdom. A collection of morontial wisdom will always be available for every stage that you go through. And yes, you can look ahead at those other future stages much as you look at the morontia mota that we have given you now, and some of you scratch your head and say, “What is this about?” and so, you must be able to mature in your group to understand these new mota as you go forward.

Liz: Thank you for that. I appreciate that window into our future lives. Another question I have is how much of our thoughts and inner lives are transparent to you and the other celestials?

Are mortals transparent to you?

MACHIVENTA: I chuckle because you are totally transparent to us.

Liz: Oh no! (Laughter from the group.) How do you see us? Do you see us as flesh and blood, or do you see us as heart light, or…?

MACHIVENTA: I wish to continue my answer from the last question, and that is, there is much about your life that we don’t care to know about; we know that you have many thoughts which are extraneous; you have various levels within your mind mechanism that we are aware of, and many people are not even aware of their own conscious mind separate from their will-mind. They simply think that this is who they are and what they are. Those people are totally transparent to us. There are aspects of your thinking that are none of our business, does not matter; is not part of the concern of your Thought Adjuster and of your future career. As much as many of you who like to knit, you watch TV and knit at the same time—which is most important? The knitting or the TV? Well, of course, the knitting is; the TV just occupies your time as you knit. And so there are many things in your own thinking which are so much “television” to us; it is irrelevant, it is superfluous and not important and does not impact your future life.

Celestial interest is in our decisions and personality growth

What we want to see are those future points of decisions which form the person and personality that you become. You have been given a shell of a personality that you develop and mature in. You have a soul that is likewise doing the same, and so our interest in you and your society are those points of decision-making. How can we be of influence to help you make the right decision for your future morontial career, to exit this lifetime successfully? Whatever that may mean to you and to us. Your success is that you want to continue, that is the primary continuing qualification for exiting this lifetime. There are many things about your life that are unimportant to us, such as how we see your body, your flesh, your heart and so on. Those are superfluous; we merely see you as a personality, an entity who is growing and budding and yearning to grow more; yearning to express the potential in you. These are the mechanisms; these are the vibrations; this is the dynamo that we see within you which we want to augment, support and encourage along the way.

Liz: Thank you for that answer; I appreciate it.

3 generations of families living together

Roxie: To continue on with Liz’ focus on families, lately, I am finding that 3 generations living under one roof has become quite a challenge for me. The youngest generation believes in materialism, instant gratification, entitlement and being quite self-centered. I am on the opposite side of those beliefs and the middle generation says that “I just don’t understand the way people are today and that I am old fashioned!” I am having a difficult time trying to convey our teachings about the 7 core values into these two generations.

MACHIVENTA: Yes, I have a comment. Well, dear heart, you are trying too hard. You are simply trying way too hard. You are making life difficult for yourself. You are in your elder years; you are about to be part of the passing generation, therefore enjoy your time here and let the younger generations suffer stubbing their toes into the curbs of society, for they will do that. And sometimes they will see the curbs of society higher then they can reach, that they have put themselves in a place where they cannot reach ahead. You have seeded the gardens of their mind with your thoughts, with these principles, with these values. This is sufficient. You do not have to measure the success of your life by the number of children who have read the Urantia Book, or who read these transcripts—there is no contest here; there is no scoreboard. Your scoreboard is your life. How did you live your life? Did you raise these children in a loving, caring family? Did you support them, did you feed them, did you nurture them, did you encourage them along the way? Did you help them make themselves curious? Were they wondering about what is coming next?

And you have mentioned before that one of the children doesn’t know how to change the oil in his car. Well, he will when he burns his engine out, won’t he? So these are the difficulties of life and it is not your chore to replace that engine or the car. It is his chore to learn the difficult things of life. Sometimes the most simple lessons in life come along so brutally to an individual that the individual is crushed. Some of the most cherished ideas about their state of being are crushed. What you are finding in the existence of 3 generations in one household is that there is going to be much crushing coming along and this is not your concern. If you cook for them in the evening, provide a meal for them with the assistance of others; that is sufficient. If you assist in paying the electrical bill, that is fine—hopefully they would too, and the water and the sewer and the Wi-Fi and the other things that come into the house. This is not your burden solely; it must be shared with others equally. And as you have many people in the household, this should be a very light burden for each person. Is my message clear to you?

Roxie: Yes, as for me directly. Sometimes I wonder because it is so difficult to share these messages with even family members, how successful is it going to be with sharing them with people outside of our homes.

MACHIVENTA: Again, I say you are worrying; you are putting too much effort into things you cannot control. We have seen that you do this many hundreds, even thousands of times; a waste of effort. It is not your effort or your concern. What you are doing in transcribing these messages is sufficient for one soul for a lifetime. You are thoroughly preparing those who want to receive these messages to prepare for that time. Again, I say, you do not need to share these messages with your children. Just simply say, “This is what I am doing; if you are ever curious, you are welcome to read them, I’ll show you what this is like, in fact you can sit in on one of the sessions by just listening on the telephone with me, on the speaker. You are working too hard on this, Roxanne. Take care of yourself for us! Enjoy this time. You think of all the thousands of people you do not know, do not even exist yet who have the same concerns, the same difficulties. It is enough for you to take care of yourself in this generation. You have done wonderful work for those who come behind you and your family and we thank you for that. You are an example of immense patience, forbearance, tolerance and forgiveness. This is love in action; this is true love that is shared; this is truly love that is known. And one day, those who crash against the curbs of society and of life will recognize and realize how unthankful they were for the beneficence and generosity that you gave them, and the abundance of love that you shared with them.

Roxie: Thank you very much; I will certainly work on those suggestions.

What is the best method to heal emotionally?

Rick: I have a comment and a question. First I would like to say in almost 20 years that I have been following Daniel Raphael’s work, there have been so many wonderful questions and provocative topics of subjects brought up that I have found so important to my life, but I would like to give a special call out to Liz. Her questions I think are just absolutely wonderful and they are so unique and they are fresh and I would just like to encourage Liz to continue being Liz. That’s my comment—thank you Liz! Second, I do have a question. What is the best method for a human being to heal emotionally, and I would appreciate specifics, if possible?

MACHIVENTA: Certainly. First of all, we do recognize Liz’ questions as primary to the good work that we are able to do through these sessions, though others of you—all of you—have asked many meaningful questions—which we appreciate—that help us unfold the work that we are doing with you.

Forgiveness is primary to healing emotional pain

Forgiveness is primary to healing emotional pain. We have shared this with you numerous times in the past, an example of Jesus telling others that they must forgive others not just 7 times, but 7 X 7, 7 X 70, 7 X 700 until there is no more emotional energy in that memory. The other side of forgiveness is to understand what in you is festering, so difficult, so hard that you have been so deeply hurt that it is unforgiving. You see, unforgiveness or being hurt—being hurt is similar to someone putting a chair in front of you and you stubbing your toe in front of it, and one is that you immediately feel the pain and you want to do something about that, and secondly, you recognize the pain was caused by two factors: One, the other person put the chair leg in front of you, and you, not seeing it stubbed your toe against it. So there are two things to be looked at in that.

To continue, what in you has been so deeply offended that it has been difficult in forgiving? This is not a rhetorical question; this is something that we have aided others in resolving. This may take a day, may take an hour, for some people it has taken years, and years to come to that point of recognition that within them was something that was so deeply injured that they were offended to the core of their being. On one hand, you are going through the out loud, verbal saying, “I forgive you, so and so, for doing such and such, but I forgive you” and you write it out, and in writing it out you recognize and you are kinesthetically imprinting that forgiveness into your mind in another way, and when you speak it out loud you are forming the words cognitively with your mouth and as you speak that, your ears hear that and it imprints again. So you want to forgive aloud and in writing, and it may take many tablets of paper to get to the end where there is no more emotional energy in the memory of that hurt. And in so doing, you have also found the core of your injury, which is your responsibility to resolve. It is our assistance, is our energy to assist you to do that.

You must forgive your own immaturity as well

This is one of the major functions of your Thought Adjuster — to help you to come to the maturity of an outside observer to look within yourself as the child who was injured. What, when, how, under what circumstances did this injury occur? And did it occur again? And reoccur, and reoccur, and reoccur? And whose fault was that? Are you looking for fault? Are you looking for someone to blame? There is no one to blame; absolutely no one to blame—not yourself, not the other person. If you are blaming someone, you are putting your energies in the wrong effort. If you want to forgive, you must forgive yourself for feeling that way. You must forgive your immaturity for reacting that way. You must see the other person as the agent of your healing.

That, my friend is the paradigm shift in forgiveness, to see others as agents of your forgiveness of yourself, as the agent of your maturity, of your maturing, the agent of your own psycho-spiritual evolution. This is the effort of becoming Christ-like. The effort of becoming Jesus in every practical day life, whether you go to the grocery store, the gas station or you are talking to a neighbor or anyone else where offence may occur. These are opportunities for discovering yourself and discovering what needs to be forgiven in yourself for reacting that way. No, you are not at fault; neither is the other person. It is simply a matter of seeing yourself as being immature and incomplete. Whether this advice is for you, Rick, or for someone who you know, who you can advise, it does not matter—it still works. We are here to assist you.

Now, do you see when you think about the Palestinians and the Israelis, and the psyche of the Middle East, and other nations and other cultures, other ethnic groups, how lack of forgiveness is a perpetuation of violence. Unforgive-ness creates violence within yourself, it prevents you from maturing and growing into the greater person who we see as coming forth into being in your years. This is an essential part of your transition to the morontial realm and to the level that you arrive at for your first group meeting with others. What level will you arrive at when you cross over? And so, when you then look at this whole lineage, this whole array of forgiveness and of the dynamics of spiritual growth, you really begin to see why Christ Michael came here, why Christ Michael has invoked the Correcting Time program on the planets that were in quarantine, and why he has vowed to return. He is surely a courageous individual, one who is capable of incredible forgiveness, even before the offenses are committed.

Rick: Thank you very much, Machiventa, for that beautiful answer.

Forgive the event or forgive the person?

Liz: Machiventa, along those same lines, I have come to discover within myself that there is a difference when I want to forgive an event, or do I want to forgive the person. And the event seems to be immaterial; it’s the forgiveness of the person that is making the difference for me, and again when I circle back to what you were talking about 2 weeks ago when you said that the thing that bothers me in a person is something that is unresolved in me. So I am putting together these pieces of what you are talking about and it is very meaningful for me.

MACHIVENTA: Thank you. To further that note, yes, an event can occur. Let us say it was the Israeli invasion of another nation; let us say it was the French invasion of Russia by Napoleon. Maybe these are things that are stuck in the psyche of some ethnic group. Maybe it is the shootings in the cities of America. Forgive those situations, for in fact there is nothing to forgive in that situation. It is a development by an individual. Now, can you forgive the individual who perpetrated those crimes against and killed so many people? You do not know this person; you never have. You did not know them before it occurred; you do not know of them now. This individual who has been deeply injured by their own thinking, by their reaction to the environment around them, they are reacting to how they were raised, perhaps, and they may have become self-radicalized in the process. It is important for you to forgive this person, to understand the violence that can occur in your own life, under your own perpetration. You may be aghast at that statement, but you are in all facts human as that other individual.

You are your mental thinking; the choices you make, the values you have, how you were raised, how you react to how you are being raised, how you now think of your own life and develop your own life now. When you think of your life in terms of that compared to the other person, surely you must come to understand that it is far easier to forgive that person then. They have become a product of their own thinking; they have become a product without thinking parents or loving parents or concerned parents—maybe they had no parents. You see, when you achieve the status of enlightenment and of being a master equivalent to the Master Jesus, then you have an understanding of how this person came into being and how they could react to that situation, where they saw the necessity to kill others for their own egregious existence. With them, it is a form of completion, an ending. And in that trauma of such tragic ending and closure of their life, can you forgive them? That does not mean that you approve of what they did—that is totally separate from them.

Holding grudges

When you associate the event with the individual then you have come to a grave error in your thinking of forgiveness. The event is not the person; the person is not the event. The person was the actor of the event. What you are forgiving is the way this individual thought, the decisions that they made. When you come to full understanding, then you come to forgiveness. Holding a grudge means that you do not understand the whole situation, either of the individual or yourself. Holding grudges and being unforgiving, being resistant to and lacking tolerance is something that is a decision. Some people do not think about that. You as a believing individual do think about that and we ask everyone to observe their thinking, their decision-making. You come to a point in your life even in your own maturity, Liz, where you will say, “That was a strange decision, that thing I did. What prompted that? What was I thinking? Maybe I wasn’t thinking.” Then those values somehow came to the forefront of the decision and so you reacted in that way.

In forgiveness you rise above yourself

I hope this helps you understand forgiveness more and more thoroughly, for unforgiveness is one of the tremendous maladies of your race, of humankind. Forgiveness is a part of being Christ-like, being of Jesus-kind—a humane, caring, compassionate, tolerant individual, being the possibility of forgiveness where it is absolutely against everything human not to forgive them. So, in forgiveness you rise above yourself, you rise above your origins, you come into greater understanding of yourself and others, and you wish, hope and pray and to do what you can to assist others to come to greater understanding, whether it is internationally or over the garden fence, or behind the check stand at the grocery store.

Liz: Lovely answer, thank you so much for this, Machiventa.

Jeff: I need to process this; this is very important material to me, and I can kind of tell that it’s important to Daniel, as the emotion in his voice is quite surprisingly strong.

Roxie: I think it is important for all of us!

MACHIVENTA: Let us come to a close, please.

By making decisions you make social progress and evolution

This is Machiventa Melchizedek with my team: we thank you for gracing us with your presence; we thank you for the opportunity to understand Christ Michael’s capacity for forgiveness. For some beings, as angels and others, forgiveness is automatic, there is no question about it; it is not an issue for decision. It is a fait accompli upon their own creation and so they are able to work with you in positive ways. They are able to be proactive in your life to encourage you to bring out the best of yourself in all the things you do. This is what we wish for you; these are the things we are actively doing with you and for you, and for all future generations.

For do you not see that as you make decisions in the Correcting Time, as you make social progress and evolution that there will be fewer mean people, that there will be parents and grandparents and great-grandparents who made wonderful decisions to assist the peaceful growth of their children, grandchildren and future generations. It is true that the hand that rocks the cradle does form the future of civilization. Christ Michael is rocking the cradle of Urantia and he is forming the future for you today and for all future generations to come, therefore we give you some specific things to do to help assist you in this world and to assist us in doing it. Good day.

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