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NID534- Awareness and Appreciation of Universe Family

2008-10-19.  Awareness and Appreciation of Universe Family

No Idaho #534

Topic: Awareness and Appreciation of Universe Family

Group: N. Idaho TeaM

Teacher: Elyon, Nebadonia ,Monjoronson

TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris


Prayer: Divine Parents, we are, all of us, eternally grateful for all that you bring to us, even the greater awareness and understanding of who you are in relationship to us. It is truly inspiring to be involved in such a journey in which you provide so much grace and opportunity along the way for us to utilize in our growth process and to expand our awareness of all that is and of who we are and of who you are.

The more we seek, the more we find and this is a thrilling part of our journey to peel back each layer and discover more and more. Such a thrilling journey you have designed for us and so much grace you provide to see us through that we are and will be eternally grateful for being part of this process and being your children throughout, associated with you as family. Thank you beyond words for this association.

Elyon: Greetings, I am Elyon here by the invitation of your creation of this avenue of approach between us. I too share your sense of appreciation for what is ultimately family for we are all held in the loving embrace of the creator and it is this sense of belonging which is so dear to all the members of any family. As you know, the very small child knows nothing of the grander association of family, of parents and grandparents and siblings, aunts and uncles, they simply know that there exists arms that reach out and hold them and nurture them.


They simply know that there exists those who would extend love to them and in these early stages, this is enough to sustain them and provide for them this opportunity to discover more. Then as they grow and develop they come to greater realization that they are part of larger and larger groups and that the loving arms that embraced them were in fact the arms of their creators. This awareness is profound when they come to realize that these nurturing arms and loving and devoted attendants are their parents and that they are bound to their parent with such size of love and affection that this very fact has provided for them their foundation of stability and comfort.

And as well, as they grow into maturity they expand their realms of awareness that they have other members of their family who they are tied to by virtue of these family connections and ties and they grow to appreciate how they are part of a grand chain of events which have culminated in their very existence and provided for them this extraordinary journey through time and space they call their lives.

So it is with the developing young immortal soul. In the beginning you are unaware that you are in the arms of your creator and that your divine parents are responsible for providing you all that you have need of and the very opportunity for experience that you call life. But as you grow in your awareness you come to understand that these nurturing arms around you are your divine parents as well and that you are part of a greater family, a family whose origin is in divinity.

It may take you quite some time to fully embrace and assume your position in this larger spiritual family as it took you some time before you realized your position in your enlarged earthly family but at some point you come to realize just whose embrace you have been in this whole time and who you are designed to grow up to be like and then you enter this phase of your awareness; that you are divine children as well as earthly children and that you have a divine destiny as well as an earthly destiny.

This awareness provides for you such greater perspective on your relative position to all things so truly you can see that this plan for your development encompasses within it your ability to gain greater and greater perspective on your position as both a mortal of the realm associated to all other mortals and your divine presence and destiny in relation to all others who are similarly divinely endowed. It is a joy to witness these growth spurts wherein you more fully embrace who you are in this process.

It is a true joy to welcome you into these greater and greater spheres of awareness and into your greater family associations. For each new level that you achieve in this growing awareness there is a greater sense of connection and of belonging and as part of this awareness and belonging there is greater security and comfort to be had. So I welcome you all to these stages where you may enjoy greater comfort and greater certainty as to your belonging, as to your association with your various families and I join you each one in your appreciation of your sense of belonging.

It is truly a great feeling to know that you belong, that you are part of such a magnificent family and as such you are lovingly nurtured and cared for and provided all that you have need of because you are a valued member of this family. Under the First Source and Center we are all family and I embrace you as part of this grand family and join you in appreciating the sense of belonging that we both can share in such a grand association.

Thank you for providing this opportunity once again for us to share together. I now step aside to allow for others, thank you.

Cathy: I have some words from Nebadonia and this is a first for me.

Nebadonia: Each one of you, my children, are precious to your parents. You each have an individual spark from the First Source and Center that is contributing to the growth of the Supreme. As you expand your experience in this life to also aid in the growth of the developing Supreme, we are all engaged in a grand plan to develop this universe and expand the growth of our First Source and Center. In this process each individual has a part to play. It is a part that has been tied to the gift of your personality.

In the personal growth of each of you my children, is also the growth of our Creator. I am always with you in this experience through my series of spiritual helpers, the angels and the spirit circuits. Be confident in your valued place in the universe, be confident that you are in the loving care of your parents and our helpers. Your challenge is to live each moment in awareness of your potential and the value of your actions. You remain always in our loving care.

Mark: Thank you.

Monjoronson: [Mark] Hello once again, this is Monjoronson to join a circle of friends and to offer a few words in honor of these thought patterns here today. Often times we observe that individuals of the realm are quite fixed and preoccupied on the goings on around them in the world they perceive and often times they derive some value about themselves in relationship to the world outside and how they perceive it and the value contained within it.

If you allow yourselves to make any judgements about yourselves based upon what you hear or see or know about the world at large, then you are short changing yourselves because as we have been discussing today, your real value is your potential to the larger picture and any small snapshot of yourself in relationship to any time and space environment is entirely incomplete and inaccurate as to your true significance.

Consider if you will, observing yourself in a series of photographs. The first one is a portrait of you individually, unassociated with any others. The next is in conjunction with your parents as a small child full of potential and having some association with your immediate earthly creators and more may be perceived of you in the second picture because there is relationship to your parents. Then the next picture of you would be at a family reunion when you are now in relationship to a larger association of other individuals and one may view this picture of you and discern that there is relationship between you, many of the members may share traits and characteristics that are shared in the larger family unit.

Then consider larger and larger pictures of you and relationship to your county, to your state as a member of your club and organization, as a voting member of your country and even as relate to your country and association with the United Nations. All of these pictures provide greater and greater scope of who you are and allow the observer to define you in greater and greater terms. But the First Source and Center focuses on the original independent photo of you as an individual, sacred and cherished, distinct from all other individuals from any given association.

While it is true that you judge yourselves in all these various associations as being part of this or that family or group or geographical area, you are seen in the eyes of your divine creators as an individual, unique combination of potential that may be actualized by the act of your own choosing and then as a result, may be contributed to the greater and greater picture until your contribution may be a part of the experience of the Supreme.

It is natural for you to see yourselves in relationship to others and to bring some judgement to bear as to how you size up to others in your various groups of awareness but you as an individual sacred being, have exactly the same standing in the eyes of your Creator and you are equally as loved and nurtured and cherished as any other of the diverse members of your family or group that you associate with.

And so you have a dual role to play before you. One as family member, as group member, associated and combining intention and effort and desire to pool together and function as a larger group or family and the other as an individual contributor whose contribution cannot be made by a single other soul out there and whose contribution is cherished beyond your ability to grasp. So know well, my dear ones, that your efforts to both associate and play well with others and your individual efforts at personal spiritual growth are both part of this plan you are working your way through.

All the contributions you make in either of these regards are well placed and greatly appreciated by all those who are in this equation with you. It is literally not possible for you to go too far astray because you are in this great river of ascension and every effort you make is in the stream of the grander effort at overall ascension. So be at peace with these various relationships you enjoy and be in awareness that you are in fact loved and cherished both as a member of this grand family and each individually and specifically for the unique individual that you are.

Know, just a small child knows that there are arms which embrace you, which love you unconditionally and which someday you will come to realize are not only the arms of your earthly parents and family but as well are the arms of your divine parents. This is the grace of the journey before you. This journey is quite independent of the world at large and how you think it may affect you for you are in the arms of your divine parents whose desire it is to give you all that you have need of and provide for you this grand experience so that you may grow to see your relationship to them and to all that is.


Simply relax into their arms and know you are cared for and be at peace with who you are and where you are and what it is you think you should be doing. Thank you for this opportunity to provide this perspective. Once again, it cannot be overstated, just as the parent cannot overstate their affection for the child. I take my leave now, thank you.

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