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NID703- Building a Highway of Mercy

2011-11-13-Building a Highway of Mercy

No Idaho #703


1Topic: Building a Highway of Mercy
2Group: N. Idaho TeaM
1Teacher: Unknown, Monjoronson, Charles
2TR: Cathy Morris, Henry Z.


Topic: Building a Highway of Mercy

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Unknown, Monjoronson, Charles

TR: Cathy Morris, Henry Z.



Prayer: Divine Parents, my heart is overflowing with gratitude that I’d like to express for this portal and for the connection to the portal we each have to this divine presence, to you our Divine Parents, and to all the emissaries of light, those special spiritual personalities which is our great pleasure to have come to know and who I am so grateful for their presence in my life. They have lifted us up, they have shown us direction, they have tendered to us loving association and I boldly speak for all of us when I say our lives have been altered and changed forever as a result.

Such a gift of grace; it is hard to even embrace the fullness of it but I register that it is one of the greatest things to come into my life so I express gratitude for this. To all those mortals who join me in this process on our end of the portal and whose desire it is to work together for the greater good and the individual good and to invest our energies in a reality that we as yet do not know the extent of but that we trust and have faith in and even more so, that we can feel this truth and this reality as a result of this contact. Thank you for all of these connections, all of these portals, all of these ways in which we are connected. It is life transforming, thank you so much.


Cathy: [Unknown: appears like Egyptian writing or hieroglyphs] I am approaching the group with appreciation for your participation in this new move into Light and Life. It is indeed true that your co-creative intention is essential to the creation of the reality of Light and Life on the planet. We on our side have been amplifying all of your efforts as they appear to enlarge the effect on the area surrounding your influence. It has been most fruitful work and [we] will continue to follow your lead. As you step out in faith and follow your inner guidance, all Adjusters are acting in concert to bring about an enlarged effect on the consciousness of planet. We will support you in every instance that action is undertaken. I am thankful for this opportunity to communicate with you in this manner.

Monjoronson: [Cathy] I am indeed encouraging you to step out in mercy and compassion toward all. To move on in this mission we will all be needed in the effort to bring this consciousness to Urantia. It is my intention to bring with me great energy to heal the planet from the errors of the rebellion. Michael and I have great plans to correct the errors that have been cultivated here. Every effort you make to increase mercy on the planet will create an avenue for future access. Even the smallest movement on your part to enhance the exhibition of compassion will be expanded by future participants. We are paving this road pebble by pebble until it is a highway to mercy, compassion, and correction. I encourage you all to begin and hold the vision of [the] future in your intention.

Charles: [Henry] Greetings this morning my friends, this is Charles here. It is good to be in a circle of laughter. There is an association of closeness between people which laughter creates and it is the closeness between people which helps create a more sustainable way of living. While you are not talking about a part that does not want to become assumed with the whole, a part that wants to remain separate, a part that has been affected in some way at some point in time, and because of the way they think, has assumed and misrepresented to themselves, true intentions.

It is always difficult for a part to be away from the whole, like a drop of water by itself, so quickly to evaporate where it is not in a body of water where it could sustain itself longer. There is a desire within spirit to have all parts of spirit connect to itself. It is like spirit mind, it wants all mind to acknowledge it, to operate and be a part of a greater mind for a greater functioning. That same mind can justify why it must be the part. It has convinced itself that it must play this part, it is justified in its action. So as humans connected to spirit, you also feel the need to draw all the parts together to create the whole it was, like it used to be. At some point in the distant future it will be again, a whole family, not just parts, separated for whatever reasons, personal, financial, political, religious, racial, sexual, and as spirit we yearn for all of the parts to return.

Did not the Master say: “What good shepherd would not go look for his lost sheep, even on the Sabbath?” meaning that the ways of God are wiser than the ways of men. And God certainly does respect the ways of men because God truly knows that one day the ways of men will reflect the ways of God. In that moment, a joyous occasion will arise within the personality, the being-ness of the Father which is everything. Everything is part of the being-ness of the Father. This is a spirit interpretation but the human counterpart just brings the part back into the whole. That is what is needed at the moment. This is how Jesus felt, when Jesus could not bring all of the parts into the whole when He was living out his bestowal life on this planet. He felt tremendously sorrowful, overwhelmingly sorrowful, not that He personally was rejected but that his wisdom was not even noticed.


So my friends, it is to the endurance, the courage to endure, endure the moment that we are in and all that it holds. I thank you for allowing me these thoughts this morning and as always, I look forward to being here again and have a great week, thank you.

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