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OSC120410- A United World

2012-04-10. A United World

Alabama, US of A, April 10, 2012.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “A United World.”

Received by Oscar.

Thought Adjuster: “Many among you wish for a more calm and satisfactory life. This is a consequence of the call of Spirit during this Correcting Time. This call will make a lot of people become interested in the welfare of their communities and its local development and in creating a good foundation for real sustainability.

“The old material goals of wealth and fame are slowly being left behind. The human beings of this era will start to value that which is really important for their lives and for their eternal careers. Now you start to realize that you are right where your Father has placed you and that it is precisely there where you can offer your service and become an expression of your Father.

“Technology will make possible a world with increasing connection to all the sectors of its population. Men and women will no longer need to abandon their neighbors to represent them in front of a central government. It will be possible to have representatives that actually live in the communities they represent and remain in direct connection with their regions and their constituents.

“A world established in Light and Life is a united world, but not a centralized world. The work in this type of planets is coordinated and distributed and it is a source of benefits for all groups and regions. Urantia is slowly moving toward that goal and many forms of government in some nations are close to realizing this ideal. However, the functionaries of these governments many times lack the spiritual quality to promote a high level of morality and an authentic interest in serving their peers.

“All the institutions and all the methods for a government that promotes the development of civilization have already been created or imagined. However, it is in the people, in the hearts of each one of the inhabitants of this world, where the seeds of self-mastery and the desire for perfection must be planted. This is a personal and individual achievement that requires a commitment from each person to explore in the stillness of their heart and find the voice of the Father, obtaining thus the guidance to improve human life and to elevate all institutions, governments and ideals to the heights of unconditional love and divine wisdom. This will be the origin of a truly great civilization in this world.”

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