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PHL3- Lesson on Patience

2015-09-27-Lesson on Patience
Philippines #3


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Lesson on Patience
o 1.2 Group: Philippines Mission
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek, Abraham
o 2.2 TR: Evan Mariano
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Lesson
o 3.2 Closing

Topic: Lesson on Patience
Group: Philippines Mission
Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek, Abraham
TR: Evan Mariano


MACHIVENTA: Patience must be well studied…it’s the hardest virtue to learn because it’s a reactive emotion; like a snap of the mind, giving one a conclusive point of view that comes instantly, instinctively and almost thoughtlessly. Not reacting immediately to what is set before you is spirit-led and is part of the spirit philosophy of time. This pause you sometimes get is from your Father Fragment, trying to create for you a moment to take caution and study. We together with your Thought Adjuster strive our best to create environments that will challenge your moods and decision-making abilities.

We are not here to make your minds master our desires for we will never make your minds subject to our will. You have your own individual ability to think and therefore come to a conclusive point of view and thereupon you act. The will of every human and mortal being is so precious we dare not even come near it.

We can only watch much like enthusiastic sports fans on the sidelines while you make that shot or we wait with bated breath what ‘play’ you have decided to enact and get on with life. That reaction of your will is of utmost importance to us and your Thought Adjuster. It will forever be recorded in your life history or forever be obscured as another ‘wrong move’.

We do strive to get you to ease your pace and give more considerations of thought to what is presented before you as an extraordinary event – as you will be faced with extraordinary events pretty soon. The best time is a slow time…make it a new cooking lesson that you are not familiar with and you know the mix needs to gel and react on its own and you don’t know what it will look like yet before you can take your next step. Let things simmer and reverberate…the lessons within in this extraordinary classroom of spirit is tremendous and of tremendous importance.

This is Machiventa with Abraham.

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