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SLC19- Training For Times To Be

2005-12-11-Training For Times To Be
Salt Lake City #19


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Training for Times to Be
o 1.2 Group: Salt Lake City Group
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Julianna, Tonsah, Monjoronson
o 2.2 TR: Marshall, Ryan
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Training for Times to Be
Group: Salt Lake City Group
Teacher: Julianna, Tonsah, Monjoronson
TR: Marshall, Ryan

JULIANNA: Good evening , my brothers and new friends. A wonderful occasion it is to sit and listen to you discuss those issues which are close to your heart as you express your intentions and desires in this most beautiful setting this evening. I am Julianna and am thrilled to be in your company. Know that there are many (unseens) gathered around tonight in the audience who enthusiastically sit by in anticipation of new awareness descending upon each of you.

JULIANNA: I came into contact with Marshall just a couple of nights ago, as he allowed me to impart to him the assistance he was desirous of in a new poem that he willed to comprise. I encourage each of you to better get to know me, for I have many thrilling lessons to bring to each of you.

As an unrevealed personality of the same order as Serena, I will be working with a number of individuals on Urantia who care to open their hearts and minds to the great new miracles that are showering upon this cherished planet. The planet is astir with great activity, with new personalities arriving daily. These times are truly magnificent times, my new friends, and you will find that during such times as these, great new gifts can be embraced if you only reach within, and with willful desire, ask for new awareness to descend upon you.

As you go about your daily stillness meditation, reach deep within into whole new levels, allowing Mother Spirit to guide you closer and closer to the indwelling Father Fragment within each of you, who so desires that you increasingly implement new techniques and methods of approach that will bring you more and more attuned and aligned with Him.
Each of you are receiving great lessons as you are rehearsed during your time of sleep.

During these times, much is being imparted that you may not even be remotely conscious of , but I assure you, my dear brothers, that you only need willfully desire to receive the attunements and adjustments that occur during these times of sleep in the superconscious mind, and you shall receive this great training that will prepare you for the times which are soon to be upon us.

During your times of stillness, as you consciously allow yourself to reach into that citadel within your mind, and with willful desire receive all that your Father Fragments are desirous of conveying, you allow yourselves to be re-vitalized, energized and charged with new awareness and God-consciousness. It is during these times of stillness that you allow yourself to open up to receive the greatest benefits, thus preparing you to become most effective in these exciting times just down the road and around the bend, where you will find yourselves accepting new tasks and assignments that will further prepare you for the great missions you each have upon this rapidly changing planet.

Dear brothers, open your hearts and minds, and realize that by willfully desiring to release those limitations that act as impediments to higher soul and mindal development, you make possible the opening of new doors, which will bring you to whole new levels of operation that are beyond your wildest dreams and imagination..

I am very pleased to introduce myself and address the two of you tonight. I reiterate, I am here for you and I am most thrilled to be in your company this evening and truly look forward to becoming great new friends with each of you, as I work with you closely on new lessons and teachings that you are becoming ready for. I will take my leave and allow another to speak. Until later, my new friends and brothers.

TONSAH: Hello and good evening, my friends. This is Tonsah. I am glad to be here for this very productive meeting. With all that is going on, and with the circuitry you are allowing youselves to become connected to, this is a very critical time for change, as you make the highest decisions, doing what you truly feel is right. As I watch carefully over the two of you and observe the great abilities and talents that you both possess, I am very proud of you, especially considering what you two have gone through.

During these times of blending with your morontia minds, you will come across great challenges which will test your skills of readiness for this Mission. What you two have is nothing that anybody else has. All are unique, and in certain ways all will contribute in their different styles. As you walk with faith, be encouraged that you are carefully watched over, cared for and loved very much.

You each have confidence and are definitely open for so many things that others are not. As you are readied, you will each become pioneers in what is about to occur upon this world. There is no specific timeframe, but when the time is right, it will occur. As you get into stillness, try to tap into deeper levels that will bring your awareness levels up and leave you open for the new gifts that you will be given.

In time, you will know what change is and how you can make everything so much better or worse, depending on your decisions. You must first get grounded and become stabilized, and not try to do too much at once. You have both gone through some hard times and it is now time to come back and rise above it. You will have great opportunities and will be given so much in spirit that should help you in everything.

I believe that you two have what it takes, and I know for sure that when you are ready you will be able to take on the challenges you face. Whenever you feel that you are having problems, bring them into your time with spirit, taking them deep within to your indwelling Father. Ask Him to reveal why you are having such a hard time, or ask Him for help and be open to accept it. The answers will always come to you, but you must be open to accept them. It is very important to give everything over to Him.

It is time to act and move into the light and allow great new changes to occur. I know that you are ready, but you must also know that you are ready. I love you both, very much, and am open to talk with you at any time. Give over all that you have deep within you, and ask for help in uncovering all your feelings for what they really are. Be patient and know that all will come. Don’t wait for it, but be ready for it. The time is whenever you choose. It is when you are ready.

Again, contact me whenever you choose, as I am always here for you, along with many others. Our group builds in unseens. When you have the need, there are many wanting to talk with you, and in time you will be able to meet these personalities, and will learn very much, for they have a lot to offer you and are very excited in working with you. Go throughout the day and know you are watched over and cared for. Be at peace within your minds and souls. Do not fear, for there is nothing to fear. I take my leave.

MONJORONSON:  Good evening, my dear sons. It has been a joy to behold each of you this evening and observe your true inner desires to become all you can become. This is Monjoronson , and I assure you that each of you are becoming prepared and groomed to serve as mighty mortals upon my staff.

I am here (on Urantia) and in the process of materializing, and look forward to your renewed commitment to serve as my apostles, representing my presence to your brothers and sisters in the flesh. I touch your hearts with my peace and mercy, and assure you that as you walk hand in hand with Mother Spirit and Michael (Jesus), you will be increasingly led to new levels of operation that will allow you to be great channels for our Paradise Father’s love.

MONJORONSON:  My sons, it is an honor to be in your presence tonight, and I encourage you to call upon me. Know that great changes are taking place within each of you. My peace goes with you. Good evening.

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