Tag: Nebadonia

MAR58- Spiritual Pain Of Boredom

2005-08-08-Spiritual Pain Of Boredom Marin – MAR#58 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: Spiritual Pain of Boredom 2Group: Marin TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: Nebadonia 2TR: JL 3Session 1Opening 2Lesson 3Dialogue

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NID690- Extending Light

2011-08-20-Extending Light No Idaho #690 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: Extending Light 2Group: N. Idaho TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: Thought Adjuster, Unknown, LIGHT, Michael, Elyon, Nebadonia 2TR: Mark Rogers,

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NID697- Light

2011-10-02-Light No Idaho #697 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: Light 2Group: N. Idaho TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: LIGHT, Metatron, Nebadonia 2TR: Mark Rogers, Henry Z., Cathy Morris 3Session 1Opening

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LLN331- Creating the Future Now

2011-11-10-Creating the Future Now Lightline #331 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: Creating the Future – Now 2Group: Lightline TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: Charles, Nebadonia, LIGHT 2TR: Mark Rogers, Henry

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