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WDC253- Give Thanks

1999-09-12.  Give Thanks

Woods Cross #253

Topic: Give Thanks

Group: Woods Cross TeaM

Teacher: Abraham

TR: Nina


ABRAHAM: I am ABRAHAM. My greetings to you. Thank you for coming. I find myself taking time each week to give gratitude to Father for knowing each of you and for the time we spend together, yes. I am always at ease to be with you, for your graciousness is always in abundance, yes. This week we will hold worship. Know that we worship not alone but with vast celestial beings that will add to the brightness of  the glorification to our Father, yes. As we settle in let us ponder upon the faith of a little child.


How trusting is a little child that he would find vision enough to have such faith in something greater than he? How open and enthusiastic is the little child that he finds excitement in communing with his Father in Heaven? How humble is the little child who knows not  the universal truths, values and meanings, but finds great comfort in knowing the One who does? My friends, let us be as that little child and give thanks and praise to our Father.

Father, we know that you see us. We know that you hear us. We know that you know us. Assist us in laying down our burdens of today. Assist us in forgetting those that slighted us. Help us to remove our cloak of self-protection and defense. We stand before you as a little child.

Father, we remember how you have sustained us in all our trials. We remember during the darkness of loneliness you came to us. We  remember in a moments time how you assisted us in avoiding catastrophe. Father, we remember your upholding us in our times of weakness. Father, we remember when your presence strengthened us to persevere and follow through with things difficult.

How small we are in reality. How patient you are in your parenting. Even in our smallness you lead us to feel so loved, as if we were your only child. We ponder upon your greatness in executing your divine plan. We cannot envision how you follow through; we only know you just do.

You have not ever deserted us, even when we were on the brink of darkness. Ever you are the loyal Parent who sees us through to the  end. Magnificent are your abilities to carry us when we are weak. Powerful is your love that leads us to stay faithful and true to our fellows as well. How blessed are we that we should be in your presence.

How loved we feel when you involve yourself in the things trivial concerning our lives. You are our sustainer in all things. Even when your parental guidance calls for hard lessons your parenting is constant and unchanging. Never do you waver on teaching us those things that guide us to you.

We have only to offer one so glorious, loving and powerful, our praise and thanks. We have only our commitment to the doing of your will in return for all your assistance, guidance and companionship. We have only to offer you, our Most High Father, the dedication to showing forth in our daily lives that we know you, follow you and adore you.

We all sing praises to you, our Father, with one voice–be it small and humble–it is with the utmost sincerity, yes. Our wonderful Parent, allow us to return to you the love you have given us. Allow us to be more conscious of your presence. Allow us to be familiar with your greatness. Allow us to be fueled by your love. We are committed to living our lives as a song of praise.

We are in gratitude to you, our most loving Father. Know that we know you are there, you care, you guide and teach. There is strength in us where it was not before. There is liberty in us where there was not before. There is hope in us where there was not  before. Accept our humble thanks. Our love, faith, willingness and loyalty is with you always. Amen.

How powerful is worship that I am made new each time I can look away from myself to Him that upholds me. The trials of everyday living are made smaller when you can remember those blessings Father has already bestowed upon you. Remembering the goodness in your lives for which Father is responsible opens your connection to Father allowing for transformation, transformation of mind, clarity to perceive those solutions that were not apparent before.

In worship we are self-forgetting and Father remembering. In worship we are bare of all the exterior influences that mortal living brings. We are liberated for a time to reflect on those lessons Father gives. We are made to connect with truth. There is nothing that Father doesn’t know and still stands by you with loving devotion and faith in you.

Be renewed; know that all that has gone before you is just mortal experience, something to find meanings and values in, something to learn from. With worship there is always a fresh start on life. In worship the mind is cleansed from the harsh realities of living, the soul is refreshed and energized to carry on. Worship invades every area of living. The joy and peace from it cannot be contained. It is bound to spread among those you know or come in contact with, yes.


This week find a moment to be outside of your everyday difficulties to be worshipful. Feel the newness of life every time you worship. Know that your connection made with Father is a step in spiritual, practical and sound thinking. As always my love goes with you. Until next  week, shalom.

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