Planetary Transformation Collaboration Call

Planetary Transformation Collaboration Call Institute of Christ Consciousness April 25, 2022 Topic:    Receiving and Imprinting upon Father Michael’s Transforming Love; Receiving Support from our Universe Brothers

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2022-02-07, New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group #24, Machiventa Planetary Manager’s Group #24– (Find this and previous PMG’s at: Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager Topics: Free

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PMG15- Become All You Can Be

2021-10-04. Become All You Can Be 2021-10-04, New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group #15, Machiventa Planetary Manager’s Group #15– (Find this and previous PMG’s at:

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LLN593- Obstacles in Healing®

2020-11-05. Obstacles in Healing. [speaker-mute] Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2020-11-05  – LLN #593 Teacher: Dr. Mendoza, Inner Voice T/R: Mark Rogers [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Dr. Mendoza: Good evening

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LLN582- Inner Relationships®

2020-08-20. Inner Relationships. LLN #582 [speaker-mute] Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2020-08-20 Teacher: Inner Voice, Michael T/R: Mark Rogers [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Prayer: My internal petition while I

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11CT-552- The Capstone of Your Training®

2020-05-17.  The Capstone of Your Training. [speaker-mute] 11-CT  #552 Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA Date: 10 May 2020 Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah Receiver: Chris Maurus [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Uteah.  The

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11CT-509- The Vital Understanding®

2019-04-01.  The Vital Understanding. [speaker-mute] Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA 1111CT-509 Date: 1 Apr 2019 Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah Receiver: Chris Maurus [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Uteah. There are many of

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11CT-497- The Salvation of Urantia®

2018-12-30.  The Salvation of Urantia. [speaker-mute] Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA 1111CT-497 Date: 30 Dec 2018 Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah Receiver: Chris Maurus [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Uteah. Today, my

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NID1031- Ego and Distractions.

2018-09-30. Ego and Distractions. [speaker-mute] No Idaho #1031 Contents Topic: Ego and Distractions Group: N. Idaho TeaM Facilitators Teacher: Machiventa TR: CathyM Session Lesson [/speaker-mute]

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MGM3- I AM Still Present®

2018-09-21.  I Am Still Present. [speaker-mute] Magisterial Mission  MGM#3 Teacher: Monjoronson Transmitter: Vicki Vanderheyden Received: 9-21-18 Fri. Night [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Preface. As I settled into

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11CT-446- Watch as the Miracles Unfold®

2017-08-27.  Watch as the Miracles Unfold. [speaker-mute] Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA – 11CT #446 Date: 27 Aug 2017 Teacher: Teacher Ophelius Receiver: Chris Maurus [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Ophelius.   Today we

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LLN501- Christmas Greeting

2016-12-15-Christmas Greeting Lightline #501 Contents • 1 Heading o 1.1 Topic: Christmas Greeting o 1.2 Group: Lightline TeaM • 2 Facilitators o 2.1 Teacher: Nebadonia

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11CT-393- Unleash the Spirit!®

2016-05-29. Unleash the Spirit! [speaker-mute] Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA – 11CT #393 Date: 29 May 2016 Teacher: Teacher Ophelius Receiver: Chris Maurus [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Teacher Ophelius. The message for

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11CT-376- The Power of Connection®

2015-11-15. The Power of Connection. [speaker-mute] Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA – 11CT #376 Date: 15 Nov 2015 Teacher: Teacher Ophelius Receiver: Chris Maurus [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Teacher Ophelius. Today we

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