Lightline Teleconference 2022-02-10
Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2022-02-10 Teacher: Inner Voice T/R: Mark Rogers Mark: I’m going to offer something different tonight, I’m going to share the true story of
Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2022-02-10 Teacher: Inner Voice T/R: Mark Rogers Mark: I’m going to offer something different tonight, I’m going to share the true story of
Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2022-02-17 Teacher: George, Inner Voice T/R: Mark Rogers George: Entering stillness is the process of slowing, calming and even stilling the nervous random energies
Planetary Transformation Conference Call Institute of Christ Consciousness February 20, 2022 Topic: Infusing Planetary Consciousness with Reckoning in Living the Gospel of Jesus, Infusion
2022-02-21, New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group #25, Machiventa Planetary Manager’s Group #25 Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD Invocation: JT 2022-02(Feb)-21
2/20/2022 – Wage Love, Not War Machiventa: My friends, I am Machiventa Melchizedek. I choose to be here this evening because I wish to present some
2022-02-07, New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group #24, Machiventa Planetary Manager’s Group #24– (Find this and previous PMG’s at: Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager Topics: Free
Planetary Transformation Conference Call Institute of Christ Consciousness February 13, 2022 Topic: Infusing Reckoning and Reconciliation in Living Gospel of Jesus into Planetary Consciousness