Author: Bryan Miller


2022-02-07, New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group #24, Machiventa Planetary Manager’s Group #24– (Find this and previous PMG’s at: Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager Topics: Free

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Mother Spirit 2022-01-27

Mother Spirit – January 27, 2022.   Nebadonia – T/R-JL (Michael’s adventure being human) (Creative spirit = something new in space and time) (Creative spirit

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MLL211028 – Michael

Michael on October 28, 2021.   Michael – T/R—JL (Attitude is your greatest control) (Experiencing no feedback) (The physical, the mental, and the spiritual) (The

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LLN211111 – Teleconference

Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2021-11-11 Teacher: Charles, Inner Voice T/R: Mark Rogers Prayer: Thank you Divine Parents for this opportunity to gather and rejoice in your

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