11CT-556- To Be or Not to Be®

2020-06-21. To Be or Not to Be. [speaker-mute] Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA – 11CT #556 Date: 21 Jun 2020 Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah Receiver: Chris Maurus [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Uteah.

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LYT200620- Remember This

2020-06-20.  Remember This Urantia, June 20, 2020. Teacher: The Beloved One. Subject: “Remember This.” Message received by Lytske. The Beloved One: “Prayer is the initiation of

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11CT-555- Discover a Life of Meaning®

2020-06-14.  Discover a Life of Meaning. [speaker-mute] Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA Date: 14 Jun 2020 – 11ct #555 Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah Receiver: Chris Maurus [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Uteah.  My

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LLN572- The Waters of Life®

2020-06-11.  The Waters of Life. [speaker-mute] Lightline  LLN# 572 The Waters of Life (addendum from main meeting) June 11, 2020 Michael  TR: Cathy [/speaker-mute] [speaker]

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ANY200610- Catch and Keep!®

2020-06-10. Catch and Keep! [speaker-mute] Oregon, June 10, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “Catch and Keep!” Message received by Anyas [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Teacher: “Each soul has equal

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LYT200603- Blessed Are Those®

2020-06-03.  Blessed Are Those. [speaker-mute] Urantia, June 03, 2020.  – LYT #200603 Teacher: The Beloved One. Subject: “Blessed Are Those.” Message received by Lytske. [/speaker-mute] [speaker]

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NID1055- Pyramid Symbol®

2020-05-31. Pyramid Symbol. [speaker-mute] North Idaho May 31, 2020   NID #1055 Pyramid symbol / unknown      TR: Cathy [/speaker-mute] [speaker] unknown: Equality is more than a dreamy

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NID1054- Correcting Time Progress.

2020-05-24. Correcting Time Progress. [speaker-mute] No Idaho #1054 Contents Topic: Correcting Time Progress Group: N. Idaho TeaM Facilitators Teacher: Serena TR: CathyM [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Session.

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GEO200519- Not through Suffering®

2020-05-19. Not through Suffering. [speaker-mute] Illawarra District, Australia, May 19, 2020. Teacher: The Scribe of Damascus. Subject: “Not through Suffering.” Message received by George Barnard.

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GEO200528- Hard To Justify®

2020-05-18. Hard To Justify. [speaker-mute] Illawarra District, Australia, May 18, 2020. – GEO #200518 Teacher: Samuel of Panoptia. Subject: “Hard to Justify.” Message received by George

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11CT-552- The Capstone of Your Training®

2020-05-17.  The Capstone of Your Training. [speaker-mute] 11-CT  #552 Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA Date: 10 May 2020 Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah Receiver: Chris Maurus [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Uteah.  The

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NID1053- Grounding.

2020-05-17.  Grounding. [speaker-mute] No Idaho #1053 Contents Topic: Grounding Group: N. Idaho TeaM Facilitators Teacher: Dr Mendoza TR: CathyM [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Session. Lesson. Dr Mendoza. 

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NID1053sp- Conexión a tierra

2020-05-17   NID1053sp- Conexión a tierra 2020-05-17 Conexión a tierra No Idaho #1053 Contenido Tema: Conexión a Tierra Grupo: N. Idaho TeaM Facilitadores Maestro: Dr. Mendoza

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NID1052- Zero-Point Energy.

2020-05-10.  Zero-Point Energy. [speaker-mute] No Idaho #1052 Contents Topic: Zero-Point Energy Group: N. Idaho TeaM Facilitators Teacher: Christ Michael TR: CathyM [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Session. Lesson.

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GEO200509- Fusion on Hold®

2020-05-09. Fusion on Hold. [speaker-mute] Illawarra District, Australia, May 9, 2020. Teacher: The Scribe of Damascus. Subject: “Fusion on Hold.” Message received by George Barnard.

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LLN566- Service and Intention

2020-05-07  Service and Intention Lightline #566 Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2020-05-07 Teacher: Michael, Dr. Mendoza T/R: Mark Rogers MICHAEL:  My dear ones, I am He you

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LLN566sp- Servicio e Intención

2020-05-07  LLN566- Servicio e Intención – SPANISH 2020-05-07 Servicio e intención Lightline #566 Asunto: Teleconferencia Lightline 2020-05-07 Maestro: Michael, Dr. Mendoza T/R: Mark Rogers MIGUEL: 

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LLN565- Golden Opportunities

2020-04-30 Golden Opportunities Lightline # 565 Subject: Lightline Teleconference Teacher: Dr. Mendoza, Monjoronson T/R: Mark Rogers Prayer: I petition our divine guides and emissaries of light

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LLN565sp- Oportunidades de Oro

2020-04-30  LLN565sp- Oportunidades de Oro – SPANISH 30-04-2020 Oportunidades de oro Lightline # 565 Asunto: Teleconferencia Lightline Maestro: Dr. Mendoza, Monjoronson T/R: Mark Rogers Oración:

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11CT-549- Fingerprints of Divine Pattern®

2020-04-26.  Fingerprints of Divine Pattern. [speaker-mute] 11CT #549 Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA Date: 26 Apr 2020 Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah Receiver: Chris Maurus [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Uteah. Throughout Creation

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NID1051- 5G, Spirit & Chakras.

2020-04-19.  5G, Spirit & Chakras. [speaker-mute] North Idaho #1051 Machaventa : TR Cathy [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Machiventa.  I will assure you that the existing energies manifesting

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LLN563- 5G and Dr Mendoza

2020-04-16  5G and Dr Mendoza Lightline #563 Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2020-04-16 Teacher: Dr. Mendoza, Machiventa Melchizedek T/R: Mark Rogers Prayer: Take a deep breath and enter

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LLN563sp- 5G y el Dr. Mendoza

2020-04-16  LLN563sp- 5G y el Dr. Mendoza – SPANISH 2020-16-04  LLN563sp- 5G y el Dr. Mendoza Lightline #563sp Asunto: Teleconferencia Lightline 2020-04-16 Maestro: Dr. Mendoza,

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ANY200407- The Bedazzling You®

2020-04-07.  The Bedazzling You. [speaker-mute] Location: Oregon, US of A Date: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 Teacher(s): Thought Adjuster Topic: The Bedazzling You [/speaker-mute] [speaker] “Progress demands development of

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MLV21- Become Aware

2020-04-01-Become Aware MLevasseur #21 Contents • 1 Heading o 1.1 Topic: Become Aware o 1.2 Group: 11:11 Progress Group • 2 Facilitators o 2.1 Teacher:

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MLV21sp- Sean Conscientes

2020-04-01   Sean Conscientes  2020-04-01-Sean Conscientes MLevasseur – MLV#21 Contenido 1 Titular o 1.1 Tema: Sean Conscientes o 1.2 Grupo: 11:11 Progress Group • 2 Facilitadores o

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11CT-547- You have a Unique Opportunity®

2020-03-29.  You have a Unique Opportunity. [speaker-mute] Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA 1111CT-547 Date: 29 Mar 2020 Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah Receiver: Chris Maurus [/speaker-mute] [speaker] My Dear Students,

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NID1048- Higher Vibration.

2020-03-29. Higher Vibration. [speaker-mute] N Idaho # 1048 North Idaho TEAM   March 29, 2002 Monjoronson  TR: Cathy [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Monjoronson.  I am receptive to your

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NET86 – State of the World®

2020-03-23.  State of the World. [speaker-mute] New Era Transition #86 – (Find this and previous NETs at: https://bigmacspeaks.life/) Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager Topics: State of

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NET86sp- Estado del Mundo

2020-03-23  NET86 – Estado del Mundo Nueva Era de Transición #86 – (Encuentre esta y otras redes anteriores en: https://bigmacspeaks.life/) Maquiventa Melquisedec, Gerente Planetario Temas:

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NID1046- Correcting Time Apostles.

2020-03-15.   Correcting Time Apostles. [speaker-mute] No Idaho #1046 Contents Topic: Correcting Time Apostless Group: N. Idaho TeaM Facilitators Teacher: Michael TR: CathyM [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Session.

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MLV19- A Difficult Situation

2020-03-11  A Difficult Situation MLV#19 2020-03-11  Details Category: Messages Quebec, Canada, March 11, 2020. Teacher: Magisterial Son, Monjoronson. Subject: “A Difficult Situation.” Message received by

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NET85sp- Preparación, Trabajar Juntos

2020-03-09  NET85 – Preparación, Trabajar Juntos – SPANISH  09-Marzo-2020, NET #85, Maquiventa Nueva Era de Transición #85 – (Encuentra esta y otras anteriores en: https://bigmacspeaks.life/) Maquiventa Melquisedec,

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NID1045- Healing Forces.

2020-03-01.   Healing Forces. [speaker-mute] No Idaho #1045 Contents Topic: Healing Forces Group: N. Idaho TeaM Facilitators Teacher: Charles TR: CathyM [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Session. Lesson. Charles.

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