2022-02-07, New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group #24, Machiventa Planetary Manager’s Group #24– (Find this and previous PMG’s at: Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager Topics: Free

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PMG15- Become All You Can Be

2021-10-04. Become All You Can Be 2021-10-04, New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group #15, Machiventa Planetary Manager’s Group #15– (Find this and previous PMG’s at:

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MLV21- Become Aware

2020-04-01-Become Aware MLevasseur #21 Contents • 1 Heading o 1.1 Topic: Become Aware o 1.2 Group: 11:11 Progress Group • 2 Facilitators o 2.1 Teacher:

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11CT-547- You have a Unique Opportunity®

2020-03-29.  You have a Unique Opportunity. [speaker-mute] Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA 1111CT-547 Date: 29 Mar 2020 Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah Receiver: Chris Maurus [/speaker-mute] [speaker] My Dear Students,

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NID1048- Higher Vibration.

2020-03-29. Higher Vibration. [speaker-mute] N Idaho # 1048 North Idaho TEAM   March 29, 2002 Monjoronson  TR: Cathy [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Monjoronson.  I am receptive to your

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MLV4- Future Earth Changes

2017-09-01  Future Earth Changes MLV #4 MICHAEL LEVASSEUR 2017-09-01 English (via machine translation) 1 Introduction: MACHIVENTA:  Here Machiventa Melchizedek and we have produced this document,

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LLN405- Actively Creating

2013-07-18-Actively Creating Lightline #405 Contents • 1 Heading o 1.1 Topic: Actively Creating o 1.2 Group: Lightline TeaM • 2 Facilitators o 2.1 Teacher: Michael

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11CT-232- Sentinel Check Point

2012-11-11. Sentinel Check Point Location: Michigan, USA #232 Date: 11 Nov 2012 Teacher: Thought Adjuster Receiver: Chris Maurus Thought Adjuster Transmission: Today is a reminder to all the Sentinels

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