LYT210115- Take This Choicest Gift of All
2021-01-15. Take This Choicest Gift of All Urantia, January 15, 2021. Teacher: The Beloved. Subject: “Take This Choicest Gift of All.” Message received by Lytske.
2021-01-15. Take This Choicest Gift of All Urantia, January 15, 2021. Teacher: The Beloved. Subject: “Take This Choicest Gift of All.” Message received by Lytske.
2021-01-15. Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock Oregon, USA, January 15, 2021. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock” Message received by Anyas “Happy are they who mourn, … the merciful,
2021-01-14. Navigating from Mortal Vibrations to Spiritual Vibration, Let Them Not Wither [speaker-mute] Lightline Teleconference 2021-01-14 – LLN#602 Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek, Inner Voice, Midwayer, T/R: Mark Rogers, Delores
2021-01-14. Navegar desde las Vibraciones Mortales a la Vibración Espiritual, Que Que No Se Marchiten Teleconferencia Lightline 2021-01-14 – LLN#602 Maestro: Maquiventa Melquisedec, Voz Interior,
2021-01-14. These Three Gifts. [speaker-mute] Urantia, January 14, 2021. – LYT#210114 Teacher: The Beloved. Subject: These Three Gifts. Message received by Lytske. [/speaker-mute] [speaker] The Beloved: An
2020-01-13. Reaping What Has Not Been Sown. There are many citations regarding reaping and sowing, usually in the context that what one sows is what one
2021-01-12. As the Veil Is Slowly Lifted. Urantia, January 12, 2021. Teacher: The Beloved. Subject: “As the Veil Is Slowly Lifted.” Message received by Lytske.
2021-01-12. Strong Are the Meek Oregon, USA, January 12, 2021. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “Strong Are the Meek”. Message received by Anyas. “Happy are the meek,
2021-01-11. Healing a Tormented Heart. [speaker-mute] Teacher: Monjoronson Transmitter: Vicki Vanderheyden – MGM #26 Date: 1-11-21 Healing a Tormented Heart [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Monjoronson. When all is
2021-01-11. The Work of Byron Katie I want to introduce to you Byron Katie and her process of helping others to challenge their negative and
2021-01-11. You Shall Minister in My Name. [speaker-mute] Urantia, January, 11, 2021. Teacher: The Beloved. Subject: You Shall Minister in My Name. Message received by
2021-01-11. Victimized by Hate but Justified by Love. [speaker-mute] Oregon, USA, January 11, 2021 Thought Adjuster Subject: “Victimized by Hate but Justified by Love” Message
2020-01-10. Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call. Institute of Christ Consciousness January 10, 2021 Topic: Elevation of Urantia Mind to True Mind of Mother Spirit;
2020-01-10. Conferencia de la Colaboración Seráfica Planetaria. Instituto de la Conciencia de Cristo 10 de enero de 2021 Tema: Elevación de la mente de
2021-01-10. The Surreptitious Toll of Distractions Oregon, USA, January 10, 2021 Thought Adjuster Subject: “The Surreptitious Toll of Distractions” Message received by Anyas Thought Adjuster: “Distractions
2021-01-08. ”Be you perfect, even as I AM”. ”Be you perfect, even as I AM”. – SJP#9 My Friends, can you truly understand that My
2021-01-08. “Sean Perfectos, tal como YO lo SOY” “Sean Perfectos, tal como YO lo SOY” – SJP#9 Amigos Míos, ¿pueden entender realmente que Mi Padre
2021-01-08. Only the Great One. [speaker-mute] Urantia, January 8, 2021. Teacher: The Beloved. Message: “Only the Great One.” Message received by Lytske. [/speaker-mute] [speaker] The
2021-01-08. While I Cheer You On Urantia, January 08, 2021. Teacher: The Beloved Within. Subject: “While I Cheer You On.” Message received by Lytske. The
2021-01-07. Communication. Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2021-01-07 – LLN #601 Teacher: Machiventa, Inner Voice T/R: Mark Rogers Prayer: We here tonight have come to the realization that
2021-01-07. Comunicación. Asunto: Teleconferencia Lightline 2021-01-07 – LLN #601 Maestro: Maquiventa, Voz Interior T/R: Mark Rogers Oración: Nosotros aquí esta noche hemos llegado a la
2021-01-07. About Spiritual Royal Jelly Oregon, USA, January 7, 2021. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “About Spiritual Royal Jelly”. Message received by Anyas “The God-knowing man describes
2020-01-06. Monotheism or not? We read in The Urantia Book that one reason Michael of Nebadon chose the Hebrew society to be incarnated within was
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2021-01-05. You are unique. Quebec, Canada, January 5, 2021. Teacher : Monjoronson Subject : You are unique Message received by : Michel Levasseur Monjoronson: Hello my friends, here Monjoronson and
2021-01-05. Vous êtes unique. Québec, Canada, 5 janvier 2021. – MLV #28 Enseignant : Monjoronson Sujet : Vous êtes unique Message reçu par : Michel Levasseur Monjoronson: Bonjour mes
2021-01-03. God Is There. G O D I S T H E R E – JSP #8 Today, I greet you in
2021-01-03. Dios está ahí. D I O S E S T Á A H Í – JSP #8 ¡Hoy, los saludo en paz! Viven en
2021-01-03. Hold onto Me Urantia. January 3, 2021. Teacher: The Beloved. Subject: “Hold onto Me.” Message received by Lytske. The Beloved: “Dear one, pour your heart
2021-01-03. Time Will Tell Oregon, USA, January 3, 2021. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “Time Will Tell”. Message received by Anyas. Thought Adjuster: “Humankind sets a variety of
2021-01-01. The Resolutions That Truly Matter. [speaker-mute] Oregon, USA, January 1, 2021 Thought Adjuster Subject: “The Resolutions That Truly Matter” Message received by Anyas [/speaker-mute]
2020-12-31. Circuits, Opportunity, Indwelling Spirit Contact. [speaker-mute] Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2020-12-31 Teacher: Michael, Inner Voice – LLN #600 T/R: Mark Rogers [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Prayer: I’d invite us
2020-12-31. Circuitos, Oportunidad, Contacto con el Espíritu Residente. Asunto: Teleconferencia Lightline 2020-12-31 Maestro: Miguel, Voz Interior – LLN #600 T/R: Mark Rogers Oración: Nos invitaría
2020-12-29. Resilience. [speaker-mute] Quebec, Canada, December 29 , 2020. – MLV #27 Teacher : Monjoronson Subject : Resilience Message received by : Michel Levasseur [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Monjoronson: Hello to all
2020-12-29. Résilience Québec, Canada, 29 Décembre 2020. – MLV #27fr Enseignant : Monjoronson Sujet : Résilience Message reçu par : Michel Levasseur Monjoronson: Bonjour à vous tous mes amis,
2020-12-29. Resiliencia. Quebec (Canadá), 29 de diciembre de 2020. – MLV #27fr Maestro: Monjoronson Tema: Resiliencia Mensaje recibido por : Michel Levasseur Monjoronson: Buenos días
2020-12-28. The Importance of Family, Ethics & Values. To Listen – <<click here>> Wisdom from Our Planetary Manager. Welcome to the Machiventa Melchizedek Podcast number
2020-12-28. With Pure and Sincere Intent. [speaker-mute] Urantia, December 28, 2020. Teacher: The Beloved. Subject: With Pure and Sincere Intent. Message Received by Lytske. [/speaker-mute]
2020-12-28. Make Your Prayers Count! Oregon, USA, December 28, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “Make Your Prayers Count!” Message received by Anyas Thought Adjuster: “It would tremendously
2020-12-27 Podcast Series 105 – Death & Dying- Part 2. To Listen – <<click here>> Machiventa Melchizedek Podcast with Monjoronson Wisdom from Our Planetary Manager
2020-12-27. Human Volition Aligned in Divine Guidance of Father’s Volition, Human Volition Aligned in Michael’s Peace, Human Volition Aligned in Mother’s True Mind. Planetary Seraphic
2020-12-27. Human Volition Aligned in Divine Guidance of Father’s Volition, Human Volition Aligned in Michael’s Peace, Human Volition Aligned in Mother’s True Mind Planetary Seraphic
2020-12-27. Voluntad Humana Alineada con la Guía Divina de la Voluntad del Padre, Voluntad Humana Alineada con la Paz de Miguel, Voluntad Humana Alineada con
2020-12-27. Do Not Let Defeat Get the Upper Hand Oregon, USA, December 27, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “Do Not Let Defeat Get the Upper Hand”
2020-12-24. My Gift of Peace. M Y G I F T O F P E A C E – JSP #7 During the
2020-12-24. Mi regalo de paz. M I R E G A L O D E P A Z – JSP #7 ¡¡Durante las vacaciones que
2020-12-23. Free Will Quebec, Canada, December 23 , 2020. Teacher : Monjoronson Subject : Free Will Message received by : Michel Levasseur Monjoronson: « “Hello my friends, I am Monjoronson and in
2020-12-23. Libre Arbitre Québec, Canada, 23 Décembre 2020. Enseignant : Monjoronson Sujet : Libre arbitre Message reçu par : Michel Levasseur «Bonjour mes amis, je suis Monjoronson et
2020-12-23. Angels, The Trinity, Power of Love, Life & Midwayers Michael on December 23, 2020. – LLN #599 Michael – T/R – JL (Life’s merriment) (The
2020-12-23. Los Ángeles, La Trinidad, El Poder del Amor, La Vida y los Seres Intermedios Miguel el 23 de diciembre de 2020. – LLN #599
2020-12-20. Love One Another. L O VE O N E A N O T H E R My original message, “Love one
2020-12-20. Christ-Like Moves C H R I S T L I K E M O V E S – JSP #6 I have
2020-12-20. Ámense los unos a los otros. Á M E N S E L O S U N O S A L O S O
2020-12-20. Movimientos como los de Cristo M O V I M I E N T O S C O M O L O S D
2020-12-24 PLEASE DOWNLOAD TO VIEW PAPER To leave a comment, reply or question… CLICK HERE 0 0
2020-12-18. Jesus’ Subtle Spiritual Guidance Oregon, USA, December 18, 2020. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “Jesus’ Subtle Spiritual Guidance.” Message received by Anyas. “It should not be
2020-12-17. Decisions Are Difficult. D E C I S I O N S A R E D I F F I C U L
2020-12-17. Las decisiones son difíciles. L A S D E C I S I O N E S S O N D I F I
2020-12-17. Increasing & Exercising Your Thought Adjuster Relationship. [speaker-mute] Lightline Teleconference 2020-12-17 – LLN #598 Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek, Inner Voice T/R: Mark Rogers [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Prayer:
2020-12-17. Aumentando y ejercitando su relación con el Ajustador de Pensamiento. Teleconferencia Lightline 2020-12-17 – LLN #598 Maestro: Maquiventa Melquisedec, Voz Interior T/R: Mark Rogers
2020-12-17. According to Your Faith Urantia, December 17, 2020. Teacher: The Beloved. Subject: According to Your Faith. Message received by Lytske. The Beloved: The great truth
2020-12-15. From Belief to Love Oregon, USA, December 15, 2020. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “From Belief to Love”. Message received by Anyas. “[Judas] must have believed in Jesus,
2020-12-14. The Spirit Within. T H E S P I R I T W I T H I N – JSP #3 Today, I want
2020-12-14. El Espíritu Interior. E L E S P Í R I T U I N T E R I O R – JSPsp #3
2020-12-14. Important message. [speaker-mute] Quebec, Canada, December 14 , 2020. – MLV #25 Teacher : Monjoronson Subject : Important message Message received by : Michel
2020-12-14. Message important Québec, Canada, 14 Décembre 2020. – MLV #25 Enseignant : Monjoronson Sujet : Message important Message reçu par : Michel Levasseur Monjoronson. «Bonjour
2020-12-14. About Spiritual Lobbyism Oregon, USA, December 14, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “About Spiritual Lobbyism” Message received by Anyas “… Jesus won [Simon Zelotes] for
2020-12-13 PLEASE DOWNLOAD TO VIEW PAPER To leave a comment, reply or question… CLICK HERE ABSTRACT 001.5 Developing a Personal Loving-God Theology This small book
2020-12-13. Development of Superconscious Mind in Adamic Mind for personal and planetary transformation; Michael’s infusion of Personality Sovereignty for individual upliftment Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference
2020-12-13. Desarrollo de la Mente Superconsciente en la Mente Adámica para la Transformación Personal y Planetaria; Infusión de la Soberanía de la Personalidad de Miguel
2020-12-12. Mortal Death – A Door to Eternity Urantia, December 12, 2020. The Beloved One. Subject: “Mortal Death – A Door to Eternity”. Message received
2020-12-11. Open Your Heart O P E N Y O U R H E A R T – JSP #2 I am Jesus; the same Jesus
2020-12-11. The Earthbound Borderland, Cleansing the Grid. [speaker-mute] February 2, 2018 (Publicly released December 11, 2020) – MGM #25 Transmitted: Monjoronson Transmitter/Moderator: Vicki Vanderheyden [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Vicki: Good
2020-12-11. Abre tu corazón A B R E T U C O R A Z O N – JSPsp #2 Soy Jesús; el mismo Jesús
2020-12-11. To Each Their Own Oregon, USA, December 11, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “To Each Their Own” Message received by Anyas Thought Adjuster: “Accomplished teachers thoroughly
2020-12-10. Be Flexible and Adaptable to Opportunities as yet Unforeseen. [speaker-mute] Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2020-12-10 – LLN #597 Teacher: Machiventa, Inner Voice T/R: Mark Rogers [/speaker-mute] [speaker]
2020-12-10. Ser Flexibles y Adaptables a las Oportunidades aún Imprevistas Asunto: Teleconferencia Lightline 2020-12-10 – LLN #597 Maestro: Maquiventa, Voz Interior T/R: Mark Rogers Oración:
2020-12-09 – A G O O D F A M I L Y Jesus Speaks – JSP #1 A good family begins with
2020-12-09 – UNA BUENA FAMILIA Jesús Habla – JSPsp #1 Una buena familia comienza con un buen padre. Asegura la lealtad y la justicia entre
2020-12-09. Unity Consciousness – a Deeper Look. [speaker-mute] Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA – 11CT #568 Date: 9 Dec 2020 Teacher: From the Desk of Chris Maurus
2020-12-09. Chess Game Quebec, Canada, December 9 , 2020. – MLV #24 Teacher : Monjoronson Subject : Chess Game Message received by : Michel Levasseur Monjoronson: “ Hello my friends, I
2020-12-09. Partie d’échec Québec, Canada, 9 Décembre 2020. – MLV #24 Enseignant : Monjoronson Sujet : Partie d’échec Message reçu par : Michel Levasseur Monjoronson: «Bonjour mes amis, je
2020-12-09. Consciencia de Unidad – una Mirada Más Profunda. Ubicación: Asheville, Carolina del Norte, EE.UU. – 11CT #568 Fecha: 9 de diciembre de 2020 Maestro:
2020-12-09. Do Not Neglect Your ‘Funny Bone Oregon, USA, December 9, 2020. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “Do Not Neglect Your ‘Funny Bone’.” Message received by Anyas.
2020-12-04 PLEASE DOWNLOAD TO VIEW PAPER To leave a comment, reply or question… CLICK HERE 0 0
2020-12-04. Relative Versus Absolute Truth Oregon, USA, December 4, 2020. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “Relative Versus Absolute Truth” Message received by Anyas. “Knowledge is an eternal
2020-12-04 PLEASE DOWNLOAD TO VIEW PAPER To leave a comment, reply or question… CLICK HERE 0 0
2020-12-03. Healing Circle, Prayer & Intention [speaker-mute] Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2020-12-03 – LLN #596 Teacher: Inner Voice, Jonathan T/R: Mark Rogers [/speaker-mute] [speaker-mute] Mark: I had
2020-12-03. Círculo de Curación, Oración e Intención Asunto: Teleconferencia Lightline 2020-12-03 – LLN #596 Maestro: Voz interior, Jonathan T/R: Mark Rogers Mark: Tuve un diálogo
2020-12-010. re: Magisterial Mission Quebec, Canada, December 1 , 2020. – MLV#23 Teacher : Monjoronson Subject : Magisterial Mission Message received by : Michel Levasseur Monjoronson. “ Hello to all
2020-12-01. re: Mission Magistrale Québec, Canada, 1 Décembre 2020. – MLV #23 Enseignant : Monjoronson Sujet : Mission Magistrale Message reçu par : Michel Levasseur Monjoronson: « Bonjour à vous
2020-12-01. Emotional Stability Goes in Pair with Spiritual Mastery Oregon, USA, December 1, 2020. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “Emotional Stability Goes in Pair with Spiritual Mastery”.
2020-11-28. Inject Your Life with the Plasma of Truth Oregon, USA, November 28, 2020. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “Inject Your Life with the Plasma of Truth”.
2020-11-28. Practicing the Presence In You Urantia, November. 28, 2020. Teacher: The Beloved Within. Subject: “Practicing the Presence In You”. Message received by Lytske. The
2020-11-25. Seventy Times Seven Is the Magic Number. [speaker-mute] Oregon, USA, November 25, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “Seventy Times Seven Is the Magic Number” Message
2020-11-24. Times to come. Quebec, Canada, November 24 , 2020. – MLV #22 Teacher : Monjoronson Subject : Times to come. Message received by : Michel Levasseur Mojoronson: ” Hello everyone, I
2020-11-24. Ode to George Bernard Mattawan, Michigan US of A, November 24, 2020. Teacher: Planetary Prince, Machiventa Melchizedek. Subject: “Ode to George Bernard.” Message received
2020-11-24. With the Heart of a Philanthropist Oregon, USA, November 24, 2020. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “With the Heart of a Philanthropist.” Message received by Anyas.
2020-11-23. Saturate Your Soul with Benevolence Oregon, USA, November 23, 2020. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “Saturate Your Soul with Benevolence.” Message received by Anyas. Thought Adjuster: “In
2020-11-22. Topic: Focus on I Am Fulfilling My Spiritual Destiny; Holding the Planet in Fulfillment of Spiritual Destiny; Monjoronson’s Divine Justice Imprinting Upon the Planetary
2020-11-22. Tema: Enfoque en el Cumplimiento de Mi Destino Espiritual; Sosteniendo el Planeta en el Cumplimiento del Destino Espiritual; La Justicia Divina de Monjoronson Imprimiendo
2020-11-22. Face the Music! [speaker-mute] Oregon, USA, November 22, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “Face the Music!” Message received by Anyas [/speaker-mute] [speaker] ‘To face the
2020-11-22. Focus on I Am Fulfilling My Spiritual Destiny; Holding the Planet in Fulfillment of Spiritual Destiny; Monjoronson’s Divine Justice Imprinting Upon the Planetary Fulfillment
2020-11-22. Enfoque en el Cumplimiento de mi Destino Espiritual; Sosteniendo al Planeta en el Cumplimiento de su Destino Espiritual; Impronta de Justicia Divina de Monjoronson
2020-11-21. Why did Jesus say to others “tell no man”? People often wonder why Jesus, upon healing another person or upon a seemingly miraculous event,
2020-11-21. Come and Confide in Me Urantia, November. 21, 2020. Teacher: The Beloved One. Subject: Come and Confide in Me. Message received by Lytske. The
2020-11-20. Your Dream Team Oregon, USA, November 20, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “Your Dream Team” Message received by Anyas “Seek the greater thing, and the
2020-11-19. Desarrollar el Contacto con el AP – LIGHT da Mensaje al Grupo Asunto: Teleconferencia Lightline 2020-11-19 – LLN#595 Maestro: Voz interior, Light T/R: Mark
2020-11-19. Free-Diving in the Stillness Oregon, USA, November 19, 2020. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “Free-Diving in the Stillness”. Message received by Anyas. Breathing Before a Free
2020-11-18. The Gauntlets You Take Oregon, USA, November 18, 2020. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “The Gauntlets You Take”. Message received by Anyas. An opportunity is a
2020-11-17. One Vetted Supremacy Oregon, USA, November 17, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “One Vetted Supremacy” Message received by Anyas “Can you not perceive that I
2020-11-16. Daniel Raphael NOCO NET Retirement Announcement NET #104 FINAL Dear friends, It’s the end of an era. Daniel is retiring from T/Ring for the
2020-11-16. Daniel Raphael NOCO NET Anuncio de retiro NET #104 FINAL Queridos amigos, Es el fin de una era. Daniel se retira de T/Ring para
2020-11-13. The Truth About Lies. Oregon, USA, November 13, 2020. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “The Truth About Lies”. Message received by Anyas. Thought Adjuster: “A thorough and
2020-11-12. Perseverance, Opportunity & Service. LightLine #594 Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2020-11-12 Teacher: Monjoronson, Inner Voice, Dr. Mendoza T/R: Mark Rogers Prayer: Divine Parents, we can’t express
2020-11-12. Perseverancia, Oportunidad y Servicio LightLine LLN #594 Asunto: Teleconferencia Lightline 2020-11-12 Maestro: Monjoronson, Voz Interior, Dr. Mendoza T/R: Mark Rogers Oración: Padres Divinos, no
2020-11-19. Develop TA Contact – LIGHT Group Message. [speaker-mute] Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2020-11-19 – LLN#595 Teacher: Inner Voice, Light T/R: Mark Rogers [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Prayer:
2020-11-10. Under the Shepherd’s Staff. [speaker-mute] Oregon, USA, November 10, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “Under the Shepherd’s Staff” Message received by Anyas [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Thought
2020-11-08. Contemplating Future Possibilities. [speaker-mute] MGM #23 Teacher: Monjoronson – Magisterial Mission Transmitter: Vicki Vanderheyden Date: November 9, 2020 [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Monjoronson: We have noticed
2020-11-08. Focusing Divine Justice into Planetary Memory Circuits, Holding Focus on I am Forgiving; Focus on Simultaneous Spontaneity of Spiritual Recognition and Remembrance of Father;
2020-11-08. Enfocando la Justicia Divina en los Circuitos Planetarios de la Memoria, Manteniendo el Enfoque en Yo Perdono; Enfoque en la Espontaneidad Simultánea del Reconocimiento
2020-11-08. Focusing Divine Justice into Planetary Memory Circuits, Holding Focus on I am Forgiving; Focus on Simultaneous Spontaneity of Spiritual Recognition and Remembrance of Father;
2020-11-07. Chin Up! [speaker-mute] Oregon, USA, November 7, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “Chin Up!” Message received by Anyas [/speaker-mute] [speaker] The Way of the Righteous
2020-11-06. A Monumental but Inconspicuous Step. Oregon, USA, November 6, 2020. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “A Monumental but Inconspicuous Step”. Message received by Anyas. “And whatever
2020-11-05. Obstacles in Healing. [speaker-mute] Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2020-11-05 – LLN #593 Teacher: Dr. Mendoza, Inner Voice T/R: Mark Rogers [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Dr. Mendoza: Good evening
2020-11-05. Obstáculos en la Sanación Asunto: Teleconferencia Lightline 2020-11-05 – LLN #593 Maestro: Dr. Mendoza, Voz Interior T/R: Mark Rogers Dr. Mendoza: Buenas noches a
2020-11-05. Asked and Answered. Oregon, USA, November 5, 2020. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “Asked and Answered”. Message received by Anyas. “Jesus taught these men all they
2020-11-04. Be Spiritual Victors. [speaker-mute] Oregon, USA, November 4, 2020 – ANY#201104 Thought Adjuster Subject: “Be Spiritual Victors” Message received by Anyas [/speaker-mute] [speaker] “In this
2020-11-03 PLEASE DOWNLOAD TO VIEW PAPER To leave a comment, reply or question… CLICK HERE 0 0
2020-11-03 PLEASE DOWNLOAD TO VIEW PAPER To leave a comment, reply or question… CLICK HERE 0 0
2020-11-02. Responsibility, Stewardship, Joining TM Groups, Mental Trauma, Learning & Living NET #103, Machiventa New Era Transition #103 – (Find this and previous NETs at:
2020-11-02. Responsabilidad, Administración, Unirse a grupos de TM, Trauma Mental, Aprender y Vivir NET #103, Maquiventa Transición a la Nueva Era #103 – (Encuentre ésta
Spiritual Quest Series: 2020-11-01. Podcast #107 – The Spiritual Fall of the 2020 Election – Discussing: FEAR Listen to PODcast #107 <CLICK HERE> = =
2020-10-30. The Chain of Custody of Your Identity. Oregon, USA, October 30, 2020 – ANY#201030 Thought Adjuster Subject: “The Chain of Custody of Your Identity”
2020-10-30. The True Meaning of Love Urantia, October 03 2020. Teacher: The Beloved One. Subject: The True Meaning of Love. Message received by Lytske. The
2020-10-29. Fear, Doubt, Uncertainty and Reigning Settled Peace. [speaker-mute] Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2020-10-29 – LLN# 592 Teacher: Inner Voice T/R: Mark Rogers [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Prayer: I
2020-10-29. Miedo, Duda, Incertidumbre y el Restablecimiento de la Paz Asunto: Teleconferencia Lightline 2020-10-29 – LLN# 592 Maestro: Voz interior T/R: Mark Rogers Oración: Pido
2020-10-26. Humility Issues Your Permission Slip for Divine Intervention Oregon, USA, October 26, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “Humility Issues Your Permission Slip for Divine Intervention”
2020-10-25. Strip Yourself Naked. [speaker-mute] Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA – 11CT #567 Date: 25 Oct 2020 Teacher: From the Desk of Chris Maurus [/speaker-mute] [speaker] I think most
2020-10-25. Focus on Monjoronson and Michael’s Divine Plans of Evolution for Urantia; Forgiveness and Divine Justice Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call Institute of Christ Consciousness
2020-10-25. Desnúdate. Ubicación: Asheville, Carolina del Norte, EE.UU. – 11CT #567 Fecha: 25 de octubre de 2020 Maestro: Desde el escritorio de Chris Maurus Creo
2020-10-25. Focus on Monjoronson and Michael’s Divine Plans of Evolution for Urantia; Forgiveness and Divine Justice Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call Institute of Christ Consciousness
2020-10-25. Enfoque en los Planes Divinos de Evolución de Monjoronson y Miguel para Urantia; Perdón y Justicia Divina Conferencia de Colaboración Seráfica Planetaria Instituto de
2020-10-25. Follow Him! [speaker-mute] Oregon, USA, October 25, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “Follow Him!” Message received by Anyas “Isolation tends to exhaust the energy charge
2020-10-25. Focus on Monjoronson and Michael’s Divine Plans of Evolution for Urantia; Forgiveness and Divine Justice Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call Institute of Christ Consciousness
2020-10-24 PLEASE DOWNLOAD TO VIEW PAPER To leave a comment, reply or question… CLICK HERE ABSTRACT 49.04.00 Peace and the Underlying Logic of Innate Human
2020-10-24. Nebadon & The Urantia Book The following is a thought provided by HenryZ in reference to Timothy Wyllie’s Books on the rebel angels… I
PLEASE DOWNLOAD TO VIEW PAPER To leave a comment, reply or question… CLICK HERE ABSTRACT 27.28.00 Understanding Social Sustainability Understanding Social Sustainability lies in the
PLEASE DOWNLOAD TO VIEW PAPER To leave a comment, reply or question… CLICK HERE ABSTRACT 33.35.00 Making Sense of Ethics … offers a radical approach
2020-10-23. Loving Consideration & Human Creativity. [speaker-mute] Michael on October 23rd, 2020. Michael—T/R—JL – LightLine LLN #591 (Loving consideration) (Your whole life in your soul)
2020-10-23. Consideración amorosa y creatividad humana. Miguel el 23 de octubre de 2020. Miguel-T/R-JL – LightLine LLN #591sp (Consideración amorosa) (Toda tu vida en tu
2020-10-22. Evolution with Twists of Improvisation. [speaker-mute] Oregon, USA, October 22, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “Evolution with Twists of Improvisation” Message received by Anyas [/speaker-mute]
2020-10-19. John 13. What are we to learn from the Book of John? We know that Jesus continually referred to God as His Father, or
2020-10-19. Unified Thought Adjusters, Pets, Naturopathy, US Politics & Healthcare. [speaker-mute] , NET #102, Machiventa New Era Transition #102 – (Find this and previous NETs
2020-10-19. Ajustadores de Pensamiento Unificados, Mascotas, Naturopatía, Política de EE.UU. y Salud. , NET #102, Machiventa Transición a la Nueva Era #102 – (Encuentre esta
2020-10-19. The Reset. [speaker-mute] Illawarra District, Australia, October 19, 2020. -geo #201019 Teacher: The Damascus Scribe. Subject: “The Reset” Message received by George Barnard. [/speaker-mute] [speaker]
2020-10-18. Message from Monjoronson – Circuit of Mercy and Compassion North Idaho October 18, 2020 #1063 Monjoronson TR: Cathy In these turbulent times I bring a
2020-10-17. An Inexhaustible Patience. [speaker-mute] Oregon, USA, October17, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “An Inexhaustible Patience” Message received by Anyas [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Thought Adjuster: “How patient should
2020-10-16. No Special Treatment. [speaker-mute] Oregon, USA, October16, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “No Special Treatment” Message received by Anyas [/speaker-mute] [speaker] “Man’s natural endowment of
THE WOODEN BOWL I was out on the street during the Holidays and my phone rang, it was one of our department brothers. He mentioned how
2020-10-15. Aspect of your Being. [speaker-mute] LLN #590 Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2020-10-15 Teacher: Inner Voice T/R: Mark Rogers [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Prayer: Divine Parents and spirit associates,
2020-10-15. Aspecto de su ser. LLN #590 Asunto: Teleconferencia Lightline 2020-10-15 Maestro: Voz interior T/R: Mark Rogers Oración: Padres divinos y asociados espirituales, únanse a
2020-10-15. Love’s Transcendence. [speaker-mute] Oregon, USA, October15, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “Love’s Transcendence” Message received by Anyas [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Thought Adjuster: “The most certain proof that
2020-10-12. The Mark of the Beast. [speaker-mute] Oregon, USA, October12, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “The Mark of the Beast” Message received by Anyas [/speaker-mute] [speaker]
2020-10-11. Imprinting upon Monjoronson’s Divine Justice and Redemption into Planetary Circuits; Michael’s Sovereign Power and Authority into Planetary Circuits. Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call Institute
2020-10-10. What Has Been Swept Under the Red Carpet. [speaker-mute] Oregon, USA, October10, 2020 Thought Adjuster Subject: “What Has Been Swept Under the Red Carpet”
2020-10-08. Manifesting. [speaker-mute] Subject: Lightline Teleconference Teacher: The Voice, Monjoronson T/R: Mark Rogers – LLN #589 [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Prayer: I’d like to bring into full
2020-10-08. Manifestándose Asunto: Teleconferencia Lightline Maestro: La Voz, Monjoronson T/R: Mark Rogers – LLN #589 Oración: Me gustaría que se reconociera plenamente el circuito que
2020-10-08. We Form a Nucleus. Oregon, USA, October 8, 2020 – ANY#201008 Thought Adjuster Subject: “We Form a Nucleus” Message received by Anyas Thought Adjuster: “Approach me
2020-10-07. Caligastia vs Yahweh: Let the games begin! I have been enjoying reading the last seven volumes of Timothy Wyllie’s books which contain, in part
2020-10-07. Caligastia vs Yahweh: let the games begin! I have been enjoying reading the last seven volumes of Timothy Wyllie’s books which contain, in part
2020-10-05. Values, Correcting Time, Cultures, Zero-Point Energy, Crises. [speaker-mute] NET #101, Machiventa New Era Transition #101 – (Find this and previous NETs at: To
2020-10-05. Valores, Tiempo de Corrección, Culturas, Energía de Punto Cero, Crisis NET #101, Maquiventa Transición a la Nueva Era #101 – (Encuentre esta y las
2020-10-05. Valores, Tiempo de Corrección, Culturas, Energía de Punto Cero, Crisis NET #101, Maquiventa Transición a la Nueva Era #101 – (Encuentre esta y las
2020-10-04. A Period of Recess. Teacher: From the Desk of Chris Maurus Ashville, NC – #11CT #566 [speaker] Dear Friends, As I have indicated in my
2020-10-04. Un Período de Receso. Maestro: Desde el escritorio de Chris Maurus Queridos amigos, Como he indicado en mi anterior comunicación, “El Cambio de la
2020-10-04. From a Goblet to a Chalice. Oregon, USA, October 4, 2020 ANY#201004 Thought Adjuster Subject: “From a Goblet to a Chalice” Message received by Anyas
2020-10-01. Meridith Tenney. [speaker-mute] Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2020-10-01 Teacher: Inner Voice T/R: Mark Rogers – LLN #588 [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Mark: Long time Urantia teacher Meridith
2020-10-01. Meridith Tenney. Asunto: Teleconferencia Lightline 2020-10-01 Maestro: Voz interior T/R: Mark Rogers – LLN #588sp Mark: La profesora de Urantia de hace mucho tiempo,
2020-09-27. The Golden Rule. To Listen – <<click here>> Wisdom from Urantia’s Planetary Manager. Welcome to the Machiventa Melchizedek Podcast #104. This podcast series will
2020-09-27. The Day of Equilibrium. [speaker-mute] Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA – 11CT #565 Date: 27 Sep 2020 Teacher: Editorial – From the Desk of Chris
2020-09-27. El Día del Equilibrio. Ubicación: Asheville, Carolina del Norte, EE.UU. – 11CT #565 Fecha: 27 de septiembre de 2020 Maestro: Editorial – Desde el
2020-09-27. Christ Michael Infusion into Planetary Consciousness Auto Revelation of Personality Sovereignty and Originality in Father. Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call Institute of Christ Consciousness
2020-09-24. Urantia Book, Jesus’ Life, Patience. [speaker-mute] Mother Spirit on September 24, 2020 Nebadonia—T/R-JL – LLN #587 (It’s “this time”—forever) (Mental energy) (Life–and what happens
2020-09-24. El Libro de Urantia, la vida de Jesús, la paciencia. La Madre Espíritu el 24 de septiembre de 2020 Nebadonia-T/R-JL – LLN #587sp (Es
2020-09-21 Implementation, Humanity, Mass Awakening NET #100, Machiventa New Era Transition #100 – (Find this and previous NETs at: To attend these sessions live
2020-09-21. Operate Within the Safety Net of the Golden Rule. Oregon, September 21, 2020 – ANY#200921 Thought Adjuster Subject: “Operate Within the Safety Net of the
2020-09-20. Enhanced Circuits Explained. [speaker-mute] Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA – 11CT #564 Date: 20 Sep 2020 Teacher: The Urantia Collective of Thought Adjusters Receiver: Chris Maurus [/speaker-mute] [speaker] The
2020-09-20. Explicación de los circuitos mejorados. Ubicación: Asheville, Carolina del Norte, EE.UU. – 11CT #564 Fecha: 20 de septiembre de 2020 Maestro: El Colectivo Urantia
2020-09-20. A Matter of Priorities Urantia, September 20, 2020. Teacher: The Beloved One. Subject: A Matter of Priorities. Message received by Lytske. The Beloved One: To
2020-09-19. What Will You Bring to Show-and-Tell? Oregon, USA, September 19, 2020 – ANY #200919 Thought Adjuster Subject: “What Will You Bring to Show-and-Tell?” Message received
2020-09-18. The Aerodynamics of Willpower. [speaker-mute] Location: Oregon, US of A Date: Friday, September 18, 2020 Teacher(s): Thought Adjuster – T/R: Anyas [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Willpower is the ability to
2020-09-17. Desires To Be In Service. [speaker-mute] Subject: Lightline Teleconference Teacher: Dr. Mendoza, Inner Voice T/R: Mark Rogers – LLN #586 [/speaker-mute] [speaker] Prayer: I
2020-09-17. Deseos de Estar en Servicio. Asunto: Teleconferencia Lightline Maestro: Dr. Mendoza, Voz Interior T/R: Mark Rogers – LLN #586 Oración: Ahora invito a nuestro
2020-09-13. The Changing of the Guard. [speaker-mute] Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA – 11CT #563 Date: 13 Sep 2020 Teacher: From the Desk of Chris Maurus Receiver: Editorial [/speaker-mute] [speaker]
2020-09-13. Cambio de guardia. Ubicación: Asheville, Carolina del Norte, EE.UU. – 11CT #563 Fecha: 13 de septiembre de 2020 Maestro: Desde el escritorio de Chris
2020-09-13. Christ Michael’s Authority in Implementing the Divine Plan of Urantia through Mother’s Song of Joy Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call Institute of Christ Consciousness
2020-09-13. What Is Humanly Possible. Oregon, USA, September 13, 2020 – ANY#200913 Thought Adjuster Subject: “What Is Humanly Possible” Message received by Anyas “After more than
2020-09-13. Healyons – Body Healing and Air Toxins. Attendee: I remember we talked about a fellow named ABC who is 26 years old and has
2020-09-13. Healyons – Curación del Cuerpo y Toxinas del Aire Percepciones Cósmicas INS uerdo que hablamos de un individuo llamado ABC que tiene 26 años